What Econmic Aid Does Israel Continue to Provide the Palestinian Authority?

On December 20, 2001, UN official Terry Larson convened a press conference and accused Israel of massive economic neglect of the PAlestinian Authority. At the specific request of Israel Resource News Agency, the IDF spokesman's...

Official Fatah Website: No Compromise

Official Fatah Editorial reiterates hard line on Jerusalem and refugees -- Intifada should accompany any future negotiations to enhance the position of the Palestinian negotiators Towards a Comprehensive National Dialogue It was natural for the PNA...

What did Arafat Convey in his Speeches of December 16 and December 17?

#1 Only groups that carry out "terror" will be outlawed "Dear Brothers, we have declared a state of emergency and conducted series of actions and measure, that we intend to proceed with, as announcing the...

Importing Protest Professionals for the PLO Cause

At a time when few tourists are coming to Jerusalem and fewer people than ever are demonstrating support for the Palestinian cause, a group known as the International Solidarity Movement has organized 62 tourists...

Jerusalem Bomb had rat poisoning

Yediot Ahronot correspondent Limor Shmuel reported in today's edition that one of the bombs that exploded last week in Jerusalem also contained chemical poison - apparently rat poisoning. The area around the bomb on...

PA Ministry of Education Fights Campaign Against Palestinian Curricula

The Ministry of Education has reiterated its rejection of accusations made by an American non-governmental organization that Palestinian scholastic curricula "do not teach the notions of peace and coexistence with Israel" and at the...

Sharon’s Target is Arafat, not Hamas

The developments over the past two weeks have made it very clear that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is not fighting a war against Hamas, but one against Palestinian President Yasser Arafat. On the face...

Will Israel Sever its umbilical cord to Arafat?

Israel only has itself to blame for bringing Arafat on to the scene. The question remains as to when and whether Israel will sever its umbilical cord to the PLO leader. The Israeli government in...

Palestinian Authority Textbooks: Another View

In 1999 and 2000, I conducted research on the establishment of the new Palestinian curriculum by collecting documents, textbooks, and interviewing Palestinian educators. Since that time, I have continued the research by continuing to...

Does Peres Still Plan to Fund Raise for Arafat in Oslo?

The spate of terror attacks in Israel on December 1st and 2nd found Israel Foreign Minister Shimon Peres chairing a cabinet meeting in Jerusalem on the morning of December 2nd in his role as...