An Immediate Reaction To President Bush’s Policy Speech
Tonight's speech made me think that I was hearing the thoughts of the poetic prophet Isaiah, preaching to his flock about the vision of the rising of the dry bones in his seven prophesies...
Glorifying Suicide Bombers: Now a Secular Vision of “Palestine”
On Wednesday, at French Hill in Jerusalem, the Palestinians reached a new record of dubious worth: the 120th suicide bomber since the beginning of the el-Aksa Intifada on September 29, 2000. And this is...
Israeli Intelligence Shares Data With US Concerning Arafat’s Direct Involvement in Latest Terror Attacks
Israel conveyed to the US up-to-date and extremely detailed intelligence which demonstrates Yasser Arafat's personal involvement in the recent terror attacks in the heart of Israel, including last week's terror attacks. Shortly thereafter, President...
A Child Describes A Terror Attack On Her Home Which Resulted in the Murder...
"My mother and I were watching television on the upstairs floor. Suddenly we heard shots."
Avia, 13, recalls the night of horror at Itamar, from her bed at Petah Tikvah's Schneider Hospital.
"I turned off the...
Confession of an Israeli analyst of Islam and Arab statecraft: I believe Arafat
On May 15, 2002, Yasir Arafat addressed the Palestinian Legislative Council in Ramalla. The occasion was the 54th anniversary of the Nakba ("the disaster" of Palestine, i.e. the establishment of the State of Israel...
Dr. Yossi Beillin: Israel’s Shadow Foreign Minister? To Whom is Beillin Beholden?
On June 2, 2002, Dr. Yossi Beillin called a rally to launched his new movement - "Shachar", which will undoubtedly represent a continuation of Beillin's activities in the ECF - the Economic Cooperation Foundation.
The Fence on the Green Line: How Ridiculous
"This has no political significance," the wolf told Little Red Hiding Hood, "it's just a security fence, a barrier on the seamline to stop terrorists, just like the one in the Gaza Strip." Nonsense.
Palestinian Authority Official Rejects Idea of a Provisional State
Yasser Abed Rabbo: Special Ministerial Committee to Present 100-Day plan to President Arafat -
"Any declaration of a Palestinian state before Israeli withdrawal effectively consolidates the occupation and the present status quo"
June 15, 2002
Palestine Media...
UJC Reverses Policy Over the Green Line
After 35 years of confining its Israel-designated funds to within the Green Line, the primary fund-raising arm for the American Jewish community has changed its policy. In an historic move, the board of trustees...
Minn Star Tribune Admits Errors in Coverage of Alleged Massacre in Jenin
MINNEAPOLIS, MN, - After weeks of controversy over its Middle East coverage, the Minneapolis Star Tribune has acknowledged that its handling of May news reports about a Jenin "massacre" was, in the words of...