Whither the Saudi Initiative? A Balloon Bursts

The more time that passes, the more feathers are plucked from the "Saudi initiative" - the informal plan of Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah for "complete" Israeli-Arab peace. But prior to a serious debate about the...

State Department Won’t Name Palestinian Killers Of Americans

American Jewish activists accuse the U.S. State Department of having a double standard when it comes to publicly naming the Palestinians terrorists who have killed American citizens in Israel. The State Department has decided...

The Fatah Website: “A Strategy of Peace”

With thanks to IMRA for posting this. The Declaration of Principles (D.O.P.), i.e. the Oslo Accord, signed in 1993, introduced a strategy of peace between the P.L.O. and the government of Israel. The agreement did...

Manic Depression in Israel? The Eroded Spirit of Israeli Society

There is a sense among the public of depression, powerlessness, and even despair over the situation. Indeed, we are undergoing a monstrous wave of terror, unprecedented in its atrocity, but still this sense is...

George Mitchell, scheduled to address Lincoln Square Synagogue on March 2, 2002: Is His...

In late October, 2000, US president Clinton appointed an international investigation commission to investigate the causes of the rioting in Israel, naming an Arab American and former US Senator, George Mitchell, as its chairman. Mitchell...

Documents Seized at the PLO Orient House Reviewed.

The Israeli Ministry of Public Security has hired a team of Arabic speaking journalists to review the vast computer systems and documents that were seized at the PLO's Orient House last summer. The results...

Precedent-making Suit Against Palestinian Authority Security Chief

A Palestinian resident of Jerusalem is suing the Palestinian Authority and the commander of the Preventive Security Service, Jibril Rajoub, for NIS 10 million. In a suit filed at the Jerusalem District Court, he...

Sannctifying Suicide: Analysis of the Islamic Perspective

The great increase in suicide attacks in the course of this past year sparked a debate in the Arab and Moslem world on the position of Islamic religious law toward the issue of self-sacrifice...

The US will not Break off Contact Yet it Defines it as a Terror...

US Response to PA Bush: We won't replace Arafat and we won't close PLO offices Yedioth Ahronoth (p. 4) by Shimon Shiffer -- The US does not plan to close the PLO offices in Washington and...

Israel’s Requirement For the Next Palestinian Arab Leader: Declare in Arabic, “No to the...

Details of the meetings held on February 8th between US President Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon are emerging. It is becoming increasingly clear that the Bush administration will not protest too vehemently if...