How the Israeli Media Covered the Capture of a PA Ammo ship

In a pre-dawn raid on Thursday morning, January 3, 2002, IDF naval commando troops seized control of the Karine-A vessel without a fight and forced it to sail 500 kilometers north to Eilat. The...

Reacting To Israel Communist Party Endorsement of Murder

This is the first stage of civil war in Israel The Israel Communist Party has endorsed the murder of Jews who live beyond the 1949 armistice lines in Israel. Such an endorsement cannot be dismissed as...

Hadash MK Issam Makhoul: Palestinians Can Kill Armed Settlers

Background: The Following is the precise text of "Proposed Law 4794B" Presented by Hadash Mk Issam Makhoul, Mohammad Barakeh and Tamar Gozansky presented to the Knesset on 31/12/2001: Proposed Law to Amend the Order for Preventing...

Israel Communist Party: Legitimate to Attack IDF troops

A tempest erupted in the Knesset in the wake of a bill introduced by the Hadash faction, saying that the armed struggle by Palestinians against IDF soldiers in the territories should be considered legitimate...

Three Principles for Victory

The terror attacks of September 11 in the United States changed international reality clearly and unequivocally to Israel's benefit. The US established three central principles in its war against world terror: 1) Moral clarity. In his...

2001: The Blackest Year for Israel’s Ecomomy since 1953

2001 was the blackest year in the Israeli economy since the austerity year of '53, according to data published by the Central Bureau of Statistics. The most conspicuous sign of the deep crisis...

What is a Hudna – Arabic for “cease fire”

A hudna is an armistice in the broad sense of the word -- non-belligerency and normalization -- for a limited period of time. That is the idea behind the new initiative to put an...

When the Israel Foreign Minisry Declared Independence From the Government of Israel

1. An Israel Government Policy Decision On October 18, 2001, following the murder of Israel Cabinet Minister Rehavam Z'evi, for which the PFLP took credit, the Israeli government cabinet met in emergency session On that occasion,...

What Econmic Aid Does Israel Continue to Provide the Palestinian Authority?

On December 20, 2001, UN official Terry Larson convened a press conference and accused Israel of massive economic neglect of the PAlestinian Authority. At the specific request of Israel Resource News Agency, the IDF spokesman's...

Official Fatah Website: No Compromise

Official Fatah Editorial reiterates hard line on Jerusalem and refugees -- Intifada should accompany any future negotiations to enhance the position of the Palestinian negotiators Towards a Comprehensive National Dialogue It was natural for the PNA...