“Abbas possesses more power over PA than he admits”

The head of the Shin Bet security services, Yuval Diskin, said on Wednesday that Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas had more power in the PA than he claims to possess. Speaking during a security cabinet...

Palestine’s Peace Bomb

http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2014/01/31/palestine_israel_peace_bomb_demographics One of the key arguments of Israel's "peace camp" is that, without a two-state solution, the state faces a "demographic time-bomb." The contention is that perpetuating Israeli control over the growing Arab population of...

Beware the Ides of March

Any history student of Julius Caesar’s life will instantly recognize the significance of the Ides of March. That date, to paraphrase the late President F.D. Roosevelt, will “live on in infamy” as the day many...

Sociologists Lead the Anti-Israel Camp in British Academia

Last month, Professor Gurminder K Bhambra from the University of Sussex Postcolonial and Decolonial Studies published a letter on behalf of the British Sociological Association (BSA), where she is the President. Two hundred ninety members...

How Palestinian Arab Organizations Currently Compete With Each Other to Take Credit for Terror...

Two weeks ago, on the eve of the 18th of Sivan, the child Noam Leibowitz was murdered in a shooting attack on the Trans-Israel Highway. Her brother and grandfather were injured in the terror...

News Stories Inside the Palestinian Authority Not Reported Elsewhere: Accountability and the PLO

PLO representative in Washington, Hassan Abdul Rahman has kept millions of dollars for Palestinian students from abroad. He spent money to buy huge homes in the Washington area. He has a Cadillac, beautiful clothes....

Israel Struggles With PLO’s ‘Right Of Return’ Demands

With the genesis of the Oslo process in 1993, what escaped the attention of the mainstream media in Israel and abroad was the continuing insistence of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) that all Palestinian...

Israel Considering Release Of Top Terrorist Barghouti

The Israeli security establishment is examining the release of a convicted multiple murderer - Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti - as a means of strengthening Fatah chairman and Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas. Israeli security...

List of Over 100 UNWRA School Teachers, Principals & Other Staff Identified By UN...

List of Over 100 UNWRA School Teachers, Principals & Other Staff Identified By UN WATCH For Inciting Antisemitism or Supporting Terrorism / UN Watch Web Page

Dr. Yossi Beillin: Israel’s Shadow Foreign Minister? To Whom is Beillin Beholden?

On June 2, 2002, Dr. Yossi Beillin called a rally to launched his new movement - "Shachar", which will undoubtedly represent a continuation of Beillin's activities in the ECF - the Economic Cooperation Foundation. ECF...