The Man Who Swallowed Gaza

The cement monopoly, The Al-Bahr Company, belongs to Muhammad Rashid, Arafat's chef de bureau and economic advisor. Palestinian Authority chief Yasser Arafat maintains what people in the know in the territories call "A-Sunduk A-Thani," Fund...

Challenge To New Israeli Government

On February 5, outgoing Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert ordered 170 million shekels, the equivalent of $43 million, to be transferred to Gaza. Mr. Olmert said the funds represented an Israeli commitment to divert tax...

Will the Jewish State Demand the Re-Arrest of a Freed Terrorist Who Advocates Terror??

Ahmad El-Sukar was the Arab terrorist responsible for the murder of 14 and maiming 70 in a Zion Square bombing, when he placed a refrigerator bomb there on July 4, 1975. I was there in...

Abbas deputy admits PA security personnel work with terrorists

Israeli security forces launched an anti-terror raid against the “Lion’s Den” terror cell, including a bomb-making factory, early Tuesday. The cell was responsible for several terrorist attacks. In response to the terrorists’ deaths and the...

For Second Day in a Row, Official Palestinian Media Accuses Israel of Murdering Arab...

Israel is using electronic search machines that kill Palestinians with radiation poisoning, the official Palestinian media declared again on Saturday, April 30th, for the second straight day. Palestinian state television from Gaza reported Saturday that...

Fatah said to be Main Impetus for Suicide Bombings

The ruling Fatah movement led by Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat is said to be the leading force behind efforts to resume suicide bombings against Israel. Israeli security sources said the Fatah movement has been...

Who violated the Oslo Accords? The month of September plays a central role in the Hebrew calendar, roughly correspondending with the holiday month of Tishrei. It also occupies a central place in Israel's collective political experience: On Sept. 13,...

Murders on a Bus: Requiem to the Memory of Proportionality

More than 27,000 Arab terror attacks have taken place against Israeli citizens over the past five years, in the so-called second "intifada", the Arabic term for "casting off" of Israel. with a toll of...

America’s Shiny New Palestinian Militia

No matter how events play out, this story ends with U.S.-trained soldiers pointing their guns at Israel. ‘The stupidest program the U.S. government has ever undertaken” - last year that’s what I called American efforts...

Why A Two-State Solution Will Not Work For Israel

In early September, in my capacity as the head of the Sderot Media Center, I was invited to take part in a press conference in the Norwegian capitol of Oslo, together with the Israeli...