La La Land

This colloquial term’s definition is: “a euphoric, dreamlike mental state detached from the harsher realities of life.” With this week’s visit by the President of the United States, recent pontifications by the President of the...

How Much Is Mahmoud Abbas Worth? Palestinian leaders in Ramallah, including President Mahmoud Abbas, are deeply concerned that Rashid's revelations could expose their role in the embezzlement of public funds. They are also concerned that Rashid's revelations could prompt some...

Whistleblower Exposes Palestinian Authority Corruption

The former Director the PA Chairman’s Office’s Political Department accused PA Chairman Abbas and other senior bureau officials of stealing Palestinian aid money. The PA denies the claims. The issue of corruption in...

A Review of the New Palestinian Authority School Books

Well, Palestinian Arab children are in the midst of their sixth week of the school year. These school children are learning from new Palestinian Authority school books, made possible through grants made possible by...

A Perspective From Israeli Intelligence on the Taba Attack

On Tuesday, The Director of the Political-Security Staff in the Israel Defense Ministry Maj. Gen. (Res.) Amos Gilad returned from his talks on the Egyptian side of Rafah. There he met with Egypt security...

Incisive Commentary

Posting; March 5, 2008 "Could Be Worse" The situation is not exactly wonderful, but truly something much worse than what we're seeing right now might have developed. Condoleezza Rice has left. After meeting with Tzipi Livni today,...

ישראל, יהודים ושלום בספרי הלימוד של הרש”פ בשימוש בבתיה”ס של אונר”א היום

הקדמה נייר זה מעדכן דו"ח קודם בכותרת "התפקיד החינוכי הבעייתי של אונר"א בסכסוך המזרח-תיכוני". -, סקר את תרומתה של אונר"א להנצחת הסכסוך המזרח2017הדו"ח האמור, שיצא לאור בספטמבר תיכוני ע"י השימוש במשך עשרות שנים בספרי...

Accord with UAE -Peace without Peace Education?

It is hard to join the euphoria for the new peace accord which Israel and the UAE now negotiate. We witness a “Déjà vu”: Israel repeats the tragic mistakes of the peace accords with Egypt,...

Israel-Hamas war: Israel destroys secret Hamas rocket hub

Israeli troops have destroyed a massive underground weapons centre used by Hamas to manufacture and distribute rockets. The 36th division uncovered dozens of tunnels divided into workshops to build missiles beneath Salah a-Din road in...

Conditional Friendships

One can always discern when a potential friendship is really a conditional one. The clue is when the word ‘IF’ is always attached to some kind of substantial condition. Currently, there is fevered speculation swirling around the...