Germany pledges €100 million to fund vital projects in Palestine

Palestine and Germany signed today a joint cooperation agreement, in which Germany pledged to support the Palestinian government with about 100 million euros during the next two years to finance projects in the Gaza...

Protecting the Contiguity of Israel: The E-1 Area and the Link Between Jerusalem and... Vol. 9, No. 1 24 May 2009 The E-1 area is a part of the Israeli city of Maale Adumim, located immediately adjacent to Jerusalem. There is an E-1 construction plan that was devised in...

Palestinian Authority to Pay All Salaries in Gaza, Including Hamas

The Palestinian caretaker government has resumed payment of members of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), including Hamas members such as deposed Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh and former Foreign Minister Mahmoud Zahhar. The caretaker government,...

The End of Fayyadism The "Arab Spring" may be pushing the Middle East toward transparency and more representative government, but the Palestinian Authority is bucking the trend. Prime Minister Salaam Fayyad, perhaps the only Palestinian leader who earnestly...

PLO envoy asked to leave Canada PALESTINIAN_ENVOY_TO_CANADA_IS_ASKED_TO_LEAVE_OTTAWA_AFTER_ CONTROVERSIAL_TWEET _ "The English subtitles on the video PA envoy tweeted include a passage where millions are called “to a war that raze the injustice and oppression and destroy the Jews.” Just as the Palestinian Authority...

Congress Mulls Conditions for Aid to P.A.

Congressmen are deciding whether to demand that the Palestinian Authority take concrete steps to stop anti-Israeli incitement as a condition for American aid to the territories.Members of the Senate and the House of Representatives...

Official Palestinian Authority Voice of Palestine Radio Broadcast – Dec. 15

Summary and Analysis VOP is broadcasting mixed and confusing message regarding talks with Israel, suggesting that the Palestinian Authority may be going through a bit of an identity crisis or in some kind of split...

Official PA TV: Pressures Exerted on Palestinian Children to seek Shahada – Death for...

TV: Child Writes to Mother, "Rejoice over My Death" "Ask for Death - the life will be given to you." This slogan, which was broadcast on Palestinian television on July 5th of last year, was...

Slurring Israel: A Critique of the Annual US Human Rights Report on Israel

Ever since the days when the Carter administration required that the U.S. oversee human rights policies and practices that remain an integral part of the policies of all nations abroad, the U.S. State Department...

Preventing a Terror State

The Bush administration and the Olmert government have determined that - in order to serve their perceived goals in the Middle East - a Fatah-led Palestinian state should be established in Judea and Samaria....