A Review of the New Palestinian Authority School Books

Well, Palestinian Arab children are in the midst of their sixth week of the school year. These school children are learning from new Palestinian Authority school books, made possible through grants made possible by...

David Bedein goes to “Camp Jihad” on Fox News

http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/08/22/us-tax-dollars-help-fund-un-hate-camp-in-gaza-documentary/ Palestinian children as young as 5 are being taught to hate Jews, glorify martyrs and support jihad, and a U.S.-funded United Nations agency is helping to underwrite the effort, according to a controversial new...

A Parallel Mideast Battle: Is It News or Incitement?

RAMALLAH, West Bank, Oct. 21 - When Israel unleashed a retaliatory rocket barrage nearly two weeks ago against the police station here, where two of its soldiers were killed by an angry mob, the...

PA street naming in honor of terrorist murders challenges world conscience – yet elicits...

[Israel Resource News Agency has asked for response to this news item from 25 members of the Israeli Knesset. We will see what the response will be - David Bedein]

Following Abbas’ Letter to Netanyahu: Options Available to the Palestinian Authority

http://www.inss.org.il/upload/%28FILE%291335095437.pdf The anticipated meeting between Benjamin Netanyahu and Salam Fayyad did not take place, and by all indications, the meeting with Saeb Erekat and the Palestinian intelligence chief did not produce any significant results. According...

Families of Slain Americans Upset by State Dept. Treatment

Jerusalem (CNSNews.com) - The families of two Americans recently murdered by Palestinians say their grief has been compounded by the treatment they received from U.S. diplomatic missions in Israel, according to sources in Jerusalem. Two...

Some UNRWA Refugees Have Resettled

http://www.meforum.org/3364/unrwa-refugees-resettled The question whether the U.N. Relief and Work Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has successfully reintegrated Palestinian refugees into the normal life of the Middle East has long been a...

Do UNRWA Schools Foster Violence?

BEACH CAMP, Gaza Strip - The tall, whitewashed wall that surrounds the food distribution center of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency here is decorated with murals of exploding Israeli boats and burning...

Balfour Declaration crime against humanity: Palestine

http://www.saudigazette.com.sa/index.cfm?method=home.regcon&contentid=20131103185577 RAMALLAH - The Palestinian Authority (PA) on Saturday said that the Balfour Declaration that paved the way for the loss of Palestine and creation of Israel on its rubble in 1948 “is a crime...