Hezbollah’s War

"Here is the president of terror," proclaims a Hizballah propaganda film montage on Al-Manar television, showing the face of President Bush alongside an American flag. As faces of dead and wounded children appear on...

The Dark Reality Of PLO And UNRWA Policies

For decades, I advocated for the creation of a Palestinian Arab state, believing that it could bring about a lasting peace in the region. I was convinced that Israel had a genuine partner in...

Intelligence Reveals Details of U.N. Agency Staff’s Links to Oct. 7 Attack

At least 12 employees of the U.N.’s Palestinian refugee agency had connections to Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel and around 10% of all of its Gaza staff have ties to Islamist militant groups, according to...

June 6, 2013: Not Acceptable

http://www.arlenefromisrael.info/current-postings/ On May 16, I had written about plans to establish a new Palestinian Arab city near Jericho, reportedly to be called Nu'aimah, which would house tens of thousands of residents and require the transfer...

Is Sari Nusseibah really a “Moderate”

This coming Friday, December 10th, 2004, Boston's Jewish Community Relations Council, the American Jewish Committee and the Anti Defamation League are sponsoring Sari Nusseibah, a Palestinian whom these organizations describe as a "leading voice...

UN: Israel Warned Before Attacks

The United Nations has determined that Israel's military warned civilians before most attacks on the Gaza Strip. A UN report asserted that Israel's military notified families to evacuate their homes in the Gaza Strip. The...

Republican senator’s hold on US funding to Palestinian territories remains in place

A Republican senator has vowed to continue holding up a portion of US aid to Palestinians due to a controversial program that provides payments to families of individuals who kill Israelis. “As long as there is any...

November 29 “” Next Step of PLO’s Phased Plan

Jonathan D. Halevi, Senior researcher of the Middle East and radical Islam at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs; co-founder of the Orient Research Group Ltd. and is a former advisor to the Policy...

Briefings for diplomats and media…writes Michael Kuttner

http://www.jwire.com.au/news/briefings-for-diplomats-and-media-writes-michael-kuttner/37877#more-37877 The Jerusalem Post held its annual diplomatic conference in Herzliya last week attended by representatives of countries accredited to Israel and also the international and local media. Perusing the list of attendees I noted...

The Israel Knesset Parliament will finally  convene again after a 15 month hiatus

The Israel Knesset Parliament will finally  convene again after a 15 month hiatus. That means that The Knesset Lobby for UNRWA reform can now convene,  once again. Volunteers sought to influence donors  to reform UNRWA according...