Succession Plans A Republican congressman warned Tuesday that the Palestinian Authority would lose U.S. aid if officials affiliated with terror group Hamas succeed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. Following the resignation of reform-minded Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, a...

Palestinian Schoolbooks Under Fire

BEITUNIYA, West Bank (AP) _ Ask Karam Jamil about Jerusalem, just a few miles away from his school, and the first-grader's hand flies up: "It's the capital of Palestine, and it's where we pray." Ask...

PA Switches Insurgency Funding

The Palestinian Authority plans to switch its source of funding to convicted killers of Israelis and Americans. The PA has drafted plans to transfer a ministry to the Palestine Liberation Organization. The plans called for...

From Bastion of Balance to Defamation of Israel

As a matter of policy, ADL's office in Jerusalem had always fought to cope with any media coverage of Israel that would reflect any hint of either anti-Semitism or anti-Zionism. The ADL office in Israel...

Will the West Fund Hamas? Less than a week after its inauguration, the Hamas-Fatah unity government is already facing its first crisis as it remains unclear which party will pay salaries to tens of thousands of Hamas employees in...

Is the Palestinian Authority Headed for Collapse?

The Palestinian Authority is quietly bracing for the prospect of collapse. PA officials said numerous officials have fled or plan to leave the West Bank for Jordan and other Arab states. They said the assessment...

Senior Israeli Government Official

A senior Israeli government official met with the foreign media based in Jerusalem on Sunday evening to screen a computer graph which envisioned an evacuation timetable from the 21 Katif Jewish communities contiguous to...

Will the US decision to arm the Palestinian Authority’s Military Capability Backfire on the...

The day after the armed forces of Palestinian Authority President Machmud Abbas shared credit for the bombing of a bakery in the Israeli port city of Elat which claimed the lives of three young...

Incorporate UNRWA into UNHCR

Since the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees was established 55 years ago, the number of Palestinians registered on its dole has expanded exponentially. What was originally intended as a temporary...

Calling Out Aggression In The Mideast

As of this writing, the relationship between Israel and Palestine has taken perhaps its most dangerous turn since the Israelis made their controversial decision to leave Gaza in August 2005. To my mind, that agonizing decision was, at...