U.S. AID building Hamas town

American agency contributed money for the construction of roads in village ruled by terror organization While the United States House of Representatives passed a resolution calling for a halt in funding to the Palestinians if...

Al-Ahram Weekly: Jordan Rejects Confederation with Arafat

Arafat's Ladder by Graham Usher Heading "With the dust barely settled on his father's grave, last week King Abdullah was confronted with the one issue he almost certainly would have preferred to have stayed buried, at least...

Implications of an independent GAO study of PA/UNRWA education

One of our most extensive areas of journalistic research has involved investigations of Palestinian Authority /UNRWA education. We engaged Israeli and Arab journalists to film PA/UNRWA schools, acquire and translate all new PA/UNRWA school books, and investigate the terror involvement in...

Jewish Symbolism: Saddam Executed On Day Babylon Laid Siege on Jerusalem

Moments before the rope was tightened around his neck, Saddam screamed out: "Long live Iraq and long live Palestine!" The execution of Saddam Hussein threw the Arab population throughout the land of Israel into a...

Comprehensive report reveals endemic hate education in Palestinian schools

Palestinian children are being systematically taught to hate Jewish Israelis and violently resist a Jewish presence in Israel, a comprehensive review of Palestinian school textbooks has found. The study, by Dr. Arnon Gross of the...

Striking Syrian Bases of Terror: Is Saudi Arabia Next?

While the people of Israel were in the midst of preparations for the solemn fast of Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, this year's observance of Yom Kippur has been overshadowed by nostalgic...

Official PA radio news – . P.B.C. V.O.P. (Voice of Palestine) Radio: February 14th...

Quote of the Day "And I believe that in a civilized world Sharon would be brought before an international tribunal for crimes against humanity. If he were Milosovic or Pinochet or even Heidar who was...

Hamas has real sponsors

The Fateh-Hamas decision to reconcile, form a joint government and hold elections seems to be a short-run maneuver that might have some very long-range consequences. Fateh's motive seems to be to have a united front...

PA Textbooks not Anti-Semitic

Although a new report states that Palestinian Authority textbooks now feature descriptions of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" as being an "integral part" of Zionist history that was approved in "a confidential...

Allowing a US consulate to serve residents of the PA does not only represent...

A US consulate serving the Palestinian Authority, a hostile entity, on Agron Street. the heart of Jerusalem, would challenge Israel’s sovereignty over any part of Jerusalem. Full disclosure : I work at Beit Agron, located...