News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (August 17-11, 2021)

Judea and Samaria: On the night of August 15, 2021, four Palestinians were killed during an exchange of fire with Israeli security forces in Jenin after a Palestinian wanted for terrorist activities was detained....

List of Over 100 UNWRA School Teachers, Principals & Other Staff Identified By UN...

List of Over 100 UNWRA School Teachers, Principals & Other Staff Identified By UN WATCH For Inciting Antisemitism or Supporting Terrorism / UN Watch Web Page

US must hold runaway UN agency accountable for its actions

In late June, confirmed that the U.S. has asked Israel to work with UNRWA to “rehabilitate Gaza.” Yet the seeming absurdity of a suggestion that Israel should work with UNRWA to rehabilitate Gaza defies...

UNRWA education to violence

UNRWA education to violence  

Gaza kids camp

Film of Summer Weapons Training for UNRWA students, to be screened by zoom for US Congressional Staff on August 24th at 1pm Eastern Time. Support for production and presentation of film documentation of the UNRWA reality to  donor nations can be...

letters to ambsassadors and consuls of the major funders of URWA

As a news agency and research center that has provided in-depth coverage of the Palestine Liberation Organization, the Palestinian Authority and UNRWA since 1987, it has come to the attention of our office that...

Statement of UNRWA on the use of PLO school books

Statement From: "ALRIFAI, Tamara" (UNRWA SPOKESWOMAN, JULY 31, 2021) Q:As a result of the memo with the US, will UNRWA be making any revisions in its curriculum? A: UNRWA does not have a curriculum, nor does it...

FSWC Once Again Urges Canada to Suspend Funding to UNRWA After Report Reveals Dozens...

Media Release Toronto (August 3, 2021) – Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) is once again calling on Canada to suspend its funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in...

Texts remain in UNRWA schools despite anti-incitement agreement

UNRWA agrees to an unprecedented new policy against incitement and violence. Will that policy hold? On July 14,  Philippe Lazzarini, UNRWA Commissioner-General of UNRWA.  signed on to a new "memo of understanding" with the US government. The...

Republican senator’s hold on US funding to Palestinian territories remains in place

A Republican senator has vowed to continue holding up a portion of US aid to Palestinians due to a controversial program that provides payments to families of individuals who kill Israelis. “As long as there is any...