This has nothing to do with Sheikh Jarrah

As I write this, rockets are raining down on Israel from Gaza, and protests are being instigated in cities throughout the country. People have already died as a result of this senseless violence and...

Understanding the Sheikh Jarrah/Shimon Hatzadik Property Dispute

Israel’s critics have distorted the facts, perverted international law and attempted to intimidate courts and law enforcement officials into adopting the critics’ bigotry. To read full article click here. 

Refugee camps in Gaza fired more than 130 rounds of missiles at Jewish communities...

In that context: UNRWA donor nations** may wish to consider… Cancel the new UNRWA war curriculum, based on Jihad, martyrdom and the “right of return by force of arms”, which have no place in...

Escalation in Israel’s South – Rocket Fire from the Gaza Strip

The hostilities between Israel and the Palestinians in Jerusalem escalated to a new height on May 10, 2021, the day Israel celebrated Jerusalem Day. Hamas' military-terrorist wing issued an ultimatum to Israel, calling for the removal...

Who Is Behind the Disturbances in Jerusalem?

If events in east Jerusalem were up to the local residents, they would try to contain the violence erupting around the Temple Mount, but it is not in their hands alone. Many cooks are...

Israel, judar och fred i texter som används av UNRWA-skolor

Vid en tidpunkt då UNRWA-utbildning diskuteras allmänt har Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research genom Dr. Arnon Groiss * sammanfattat sin 20-åriga studie av alla 1000 skolböcker som den palestinska myndigheten använt under...

From Israel: Yom Yerushalayim and the Fight Rages!!

Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day) celebrates the Israeli reunification of Jerusalem on the 28th of Iyar in the course of the Six Day War in 1967. In course of Jerusalem’s long history it has been divided...

Stop the tsunami

Our crew has accumulated hours of footage of UNRWA child soldiers -trained to fight and die on the front lines of Gaza. Now producing films to screen at German Bundestag, British Parliament, Swedish Parliament and US...

Policy Briefing for Congressional Staff: UNRWA Fact vs Fiction: Countering Disinformation and Helping Palestinians

UNRWA policy briefing for US Congressional Staff: UNRWA Fact vs Fiction: Countering Disinformation and Helping Palestinians Tuesday May 11, 2021 at 1:30pm EST As Congress considers the Administration's request for renewed UNRWA funding, you are invited to a timely briefing to...

From Israel: National Tragedies, Multiplied Pain!!

Before I turn to the national tragedy that will be a major focus of this posting, I want to call the attention of my readers to a terror attack that took place yesterday (Sunday)...