Report #3, September 20:State of Gush Katif, Northern Sinai and Northern Shomron Communities

The World Bank in Gaza and vacated Gush Katif Globes journalist Gadi Golan reported that the World Bank will grant a series of financial incentives to entrepreneurs and investors who set up enterprises, businesses,...

Bush To Make Visit To Israel

It was announced last night that United States President George W. Bush will make his first official visit - while in office - to Israel and the Palestinian Authority in January. This visit will be...

Arafat’s Appointed Mufti Endorses Suicide Attacks

Dr. Mordechai Kedar, a lecturer in the Arabic Department in Bar Ilan University and a researcher at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies told IMRA that Sheikh Ekrima Sabri, who was appointed by Yasser...

President Trump saw the PA textbooks and gave Israel a green light

Informed observers of US Middle East policy often ​discuss developments between Israel and the US and  limiting themselves  to the ​difficulties of the eight years Obama , forgetting the  differences between the Israeli and American...

Dennis Ross Declares Tanzim to be Peaceful And Trusts Abu Mazen Like He Trusted...

After a week of violence that followed the Aqaba summit, most Middle East observers are pessimistic about breaking the Israeli-Palestinian stalemate. Yet after a week of extensive discussions with both sides, I believe it's...

Congress Needs to Review UN Agency’s Terror Finance Problem

The Biden administration this month announced that it will resume U.S. funding for the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA)—a UN welfare agency ostensibly meant to assist Palestinian refugees that has faced multiple corruption...

Hamastine: A Present from the U.N. to Khaled Mashaal In a field near the Islamic University -- where PhD theses are written on topics such as "The role of the Muslim mother in preparing her sons to be shaheeds of the resistance"...

Four questions for Mahmoud Abbas:PA president needs to explain his duplicitous behavior

Rabbi Abraham Cooper is associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, and historian Harold Brackman is a consultant to the center. In conjunction with his appearance at the U.N. General Assembly and meeting with President...

Israel’s Two-state “Solution” Pyrrhic Victory In 280-279 BCE, Greek King Pyrrhus' army suffered irreplaceable casualties in defeating the Romans at Heraclea and at Asculum. King Pyrrhus soon lost the war against the Romans. The term "Pyrrhic Victory" describes situations...

UN teach Palestinian children to hate and kill Jews