Washington Post: Old Arab Order Pro-bin Laden! British Government: Hamas-Fatah Merger is Great

http://www.gloria-center.org/ gloria/2011/05/washington- post-old-arab-order-pro-bin- laden It is amazing what nonsense appears in the mass media. Consider the following paragraph from a Washington Post story: "A decade ago, the Middle East might have responded to the killing of...

USAID To Monitor Transfer Of Funds From Israel To PA

December 10, 2002 Jerusalem (CNSNews.com) - The U.S. Agency for International Development will help monitor the transfer of tax revenues from Israel to the Palestinian Authority to make sure they are not misused. Israel has withheld...

Required Changes in Palestinian Authority/UNRWA Schoolbooks –  to conform with peace policies advocated by...

Research by Dr. Arnon Groiss. Since 2000, Dr. Arnon Groiss has examined the new school books which were put in use by the PA and UNRWA between 2000 and 2006m with the generous funding of...

Recent UK Parliamentary questions concerning PA/UNRWA textbooks

These are  vital questions that  the UK and UNRWA must consider ---- Palestinians: Textbooks  Lord Turnberg (Non-affiliated) To ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of reports of school books published by the Palestinian...

Israeli military discovers Hamas terrorist equipment hidden inside UNRWA bags in Gaza clinic

Israeli Defense Forces discovered vests belonging to elite Nukhba forces of the Hamas terror group stashed inside bags belonging to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). The vests were discovered during a raid on...

Official PA Radio News – the PBC Radio December 2nd

Evening Headlines "Four funerals in Gaza today for four martyrs who fell before Occupation aggression yesterday: the children Mith'haq Muhammad Jad-Allah, 14 years old, Muhammd Saalih al Arjah, 12 years old, and Yaseen Muhmmad Shahada,...

​Letter to the World Bank concerning the following announcement of aid to the PA...

Letter to the World Bank concerning the following announcement of aid to the PA health sector: https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/world-bank-approves-us10-millionagrant-improve-efficiency-and-resilience-palestinian-health-sector-enar West Bank and Gaza Mary Koussa (972) 2-2366500 mkoussa@worldbank.org Washington Serene Jweied +1 (202) 473-8764 sjweied@worldbankgroup.org April 14, 2023 Dear  Ms. Koussa and Ms. Jweled Responding to the above...

Beyond the textbooks

Introduction This report documents systematic incitement to antisemitism and terrorism by teachers, school principals and other staff at the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), and calls on its major funders, including the...

Julie Bishop’s stance on the legality of Israeli settlements might be right

http://www.canberratimes.com.au/comment/julie-bishops-stance-on-the-legality-of-israeli-settlements-might-be-right-20140202-31v2j.html Julie Bishop had some sensible things to say in Jerusalem, as she broke ranks from a cosy, normally unexamined international consensus: the idea that, by permitting Jewish residence in the West Bank, Israel is...

From Al-Makassed Islamic Charitable Society Jerusalem

The board of directors of Makassed Islamic Charitable Society (MICS) would like to call the attention to the serious developments which have recently taken place at MAKASSED HOSPITAL in Jerusalem. A committee led by Dr....