UN: Terrorism from Palestinians against Israelis will be rewarded – again

Even by U.N. standards, last week’s vote at UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee meeting in Krakow, Poland, was diplomatic theater at its most absurd. With civil war, ethnic and religious cleansing and ISIS terrorism blowing Muslim and Christian sites to...

ספרי הלימוד של הרשות הפלסטינית (רש”פ): ההתייחסות ליהודים, לישראל ולשלום

תמצית מנהלים המחקר הנוכחי מכסה את כל ביטויי ההתייחסות ל"אחר" היהודי ישראלי ולשלום עימו המצויים בספרי הלימוד העדכניים ביותר שיצאו לאור מטעם הרשות הפלסטינית לשימוש בכל בתיה"ס ביהודה, שומרון ורצועת עזה וכן בבתיה"ס שבמזרח ירושלים הפועלים לפי...

AP This Week: “Millions of Palestinian Refugees and Their Descendants” – What, Again?

From: Jerry Verlin, Editor Subj: Brith Sholom Media Watch Alert #860, 6/25/17 WHILE YOU STAND ON ONE LEG: This week, the AP resurrected the canard of “millions of Palestinian refugees and their descendants.” When the...

Palestinian Authority unveils new school curriculum: PA minister resists calls for curriculum of peace...

Jerusalem, Israel, June 20, 2017 – IMPACT-se is alarmed by comments made by Palestinian Authority Education Minister Sabri Saidam in relation to the unveiling of the new Palestinian school curriculum. In charge of revamping the PA education...

Israelis Should Listen to Abbas – to Every Word

Ha'aretz's May 29 editorial was "Listen to Abbas." I want to join this call. Listen very carefully. Abbas is very careful to use the term "two states," but not "for two peoples." Because the...

Cutting Edge Interview: War Indoctrination in the Palestinian Authority

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDsnYOHNk6g Martin Blackham talks with David Bedein, Writer, Investigative Journalist and Founder of The Israel Resource News Agency in particular regarding the issue of The United Nations Relief & Works Agency For Palestinian Refugees In...

As a Witness, Bedein Chronicles “Inconvenient Truths” of Palestinian Authroity

Genesis of the Palestinian Authority, by David Bedein. Edited by Bernhard Rosenberg. Behr Publishers, Edison, NJ. 2017 Over the past 30 years of covering the Israeli-PLO relations, David Bedein has witnessed many of its defining...

Palestinian Elementary School Curriculum 2016–17: Radicalization and Revival of the PLO Program

The new Palestinian curriculum, which includes new textbooks for grades 1–4, is significantly more radical than previous curricula. To an even greater extent than the 2014–15 textbooks, the curriculum teaches students to be martyrs, demonizes and denies...

IAN BIRRELL: Why a UK woman’s murder in Israel should boil your blood and...

Aid for despots and dictators. Aid for rich nations with their own aid agencies and others able to afford space programmes. Aid for North Korean officials and Somali jihadis. Aid that ends up in...

Terrorist accused of killing a British student will be paid £800 a month by...

Palestinian Jamil Tamimi murdered British theology student Hannah Bladon He told police that he attacked Hannah in the hope a soldier would kill him  His family qualify for a 'salary' from the Palestinian Authority...