HERE ARE A FEW PIECES FILED ON THAT SUBJECT FOR THE PHILADELPHIA BULLETIN, A NEWSPAPER THAT CEASED PUBLICATION IN 2010 Bethlehem Churches Bear Brunt Of Religious Hatred By: David Bedein Jan 9 2008 http://israelbehindthenews.com/bin/content.cgi?ID=318&q=2 Tense Relations Between Christians And...

State Department calls Mahmoud Abbas’s Palestinian Authority anti-Semitic

For the first time, the U.S. State Department has explicitly accused the Palestinian Authority (PA) of promoting anti-Semitism, a signal Jewish groups are hoping will lead to change in U.S. policy. According to a newly...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Associated Press

My Message to President Abbas: 5 Steps for Peace

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MtEsV9LCFo President Abbas, Since over the past several years, you refused to meet me and sit down and negotiate peace, I hope you’ll hear this message. First, your advisor, Sultan Abu al Einein recently called to slit...

Administration Defends UN-Funded, Anti-Israel Textbooks for Palestinians

U.S. taxpayers provide nearly $400 million a year to a United Nations program that critics say sends anti-Semitic, anti-Israel textbooks to schools for Palestinian refugees. An elementary school textbook calls the 1948 establishment of Israel...

Can the Palestinians Hold Free and Fair Elections?

Even as Hamas continues to resist Fatah demands to relinquish control over the Gaza Strip, Hamas representatives could easily win elections in several West Bank cities and villages, especially in the Hebron area,...

Expert Testimony at US Congress: Palestinian Authority sponsors terrorism

Yigal Carmon,  who served as the counter terrorism expert under Prime Ministers Shamir and Rabin, 1988-1993,  and who now heads a prominent think tank in Jerusalem, testified at the U.S. House Committee on Foreign...

The answer to the murder of Hallel Ariel murdered by an Arab in her...

News; “Palestinian Authority Hails Terrorist Who Butchered 13-Year-Old Israeli Girl…” http://www.algemeiner.com/2016/06/30/palestinian-health-ministry-issues-death-notice-for-terrorist-who-slaughtered-13-year-old-israeli-girl-blames-occupation-omits-stabbing-attack/ Amichai Ariel, Hallel’s father, has locker at the Alon Shvut pool near my locker. We often talk. Amichai’s father, may he rest in peace, wrote an lively...

Israel and Jews in the Palestinian Authority (PA) Schoolbooks: De-legitimization, Demonization, and Advocacy of...

Introduction Between the years 2000-2006 the PA introduced a new curriculum to be taught in all schools in the West Bank and Gaza, as well as in schools in East Jerusalem. Over 250 books for...

The Syrian School System: What Syrian Refugees Learn About Jews in Class

There are perhaps few better ways to gauge the probable socio-cultural attitudes of Syrian nationals currently between the ages of young adulthood and late middle-age regarding Jews and Judaism than by examining the content...

President Mahmoud Abbas: The Palestinian “Untouchable”

For many years, Palestinians hoped that one day they would enjoy public freedoms under the leadership of the Palestinian Authority (PA), like the freedoms their neighbors in Israel have. But more than two...