Abbas Denies His Authority to Make Cardinal Decisions for a Lasting Peace Agreement Mahmoud Abbas - “the president of the state of Palestine,” chairman of the Palestinian Authority, leader of the PLO, and head of Fatah - must recognize that he is not a serious partner for...

PA Seeks Land Within Pre-1967 Border

“The Palestinian Authority has sought to acquire Israeli territory beyond the West Bank," the report said. The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs asserted that the PA aimed to acquire portions of Israel during the U.S.-led...

P.A. Official Khatib Says Any Pal. Who Murders a Jew, Yesterday, Today, or Tomorrow,... he Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has pointed to a recent declaration by a senior Palestinian Authority (PA) official, Ashraf Khatib, that Israel must free all jailed Palestinian terrorists, even if they have murdered...

The Modern Language Association (MLA) ignores word pollution The Modern Language Association (MLA) whose brief is words, sentences, paragraphs, stories and narratives, has a special responsibility to lead the way in examining the effects of exposure to cradle-to-grave incitement -the abuse of...

The Jordan Valley: Israel’s security belt U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is once again in town trying to reach a framework agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. One of the issues of dispute is the fate of the...

Unanswered Letter To Press Section Of Us Embassy, Tel Aviv

Date: Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 9:00 AMSubject: Response to Hitler emulation curriculum in the PA, Please communicate your response to the incitement index of the Palestinian Authority: The following article describes the response of the...

U.S. State Department Says Won’t Respond to PA Incitement Publicly U.S. State Department Deputy Spokesman Marie Harf told reporters that she would not comment directly on Israel’s report of incitement from Palestinian Authority leadership, but that rebukes are being made behind closed doors. At a...

With encouragement from a VATICAN official, Israeli government finally denounces a Palestinian school system...

See: Israel Government Report on Palestinian Incitement This past Monday, Israeli Intelligence Affairs Minister Dr. Yuval Steinitz and the Director General of his ministry, Brig.-Gen. (ret.) Yossi Kuperwasser held an unprecedented press conference on...

Prof. Efraim Inbar: Strategic imperative build homes for Jews in E1, The Jordan Valley: Israel’s Security Belt by Prof. Efraim Inbar January 6, 2014 BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 232 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Israel must resist international pressure and hold on to the Jordan Valley - its only...

Islamic Jihad Planning Mass-Casualty Attacks in Israel

Islamic Jihad has recruited both Palestinians and Israelis for a series of major strikes in Israel. The first attack, the bombing of a bus in the Tel Aviv suburb of Bat Yam in December...