How to contact the US Congress in an effective manner on behalf of Israel:

The US has taken a leading role in promoting peace in the Middle East. In contrast to the US policy of advocacy for peace, the US... Funds Palestinian education, which has adopted a curriculum that...

Critique : UNRWA & NSC Response to Comprehensive Study of PA/UNRWA textbooks

ith the launch of the new school year in the Palestinian Authority and UNRWA education system, it pains me to report that US funds flow to these schools, without constraints to UNRWA/ PA schools...

Ten Talking Points: How to respond to UNRWA Attacks on its Critics

A senior public relations official of UNRWA met with our agency in Washington, DC on March 5, 2013 and viewed the film A CLASSROOM IN UNRWA, and voiced comments that deserve a rebuttal. Ten talking points...

On the Brink: Decline of US trained Palestinian Security Forces

US-trained Palestinian Security Force under General Dayton November 2009 Prepared with a research grant from the Middle East Forum EXECUTIVE SUMMARY After nearly 20 years, the Palestinian Authority, the PA, has achieved the dubious reputation of being...

Media Relations Guidebook

This manual is a project of the Israel Resource News Agency. Through comprehensive training the program gives survivors and families of victims of terror at-tacks the tools to effectively argue Israel's case in the...

UNRWA schools in Gaza – a Greenhouse for Hamas

Excerpted from “Where Has All the Flour Gone: Whims and Waste of UN Palestinian Refugee Policy by: David Bedein, Paperless Publishing LLC, New York. Publication Date: Sept. 15, 2011 Al-Kutla al-Islamiya activities in UNRWA's...

Constitution of the State of Palestine – Third Draft

The executive committee of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, having renewed the instructions of the Palestinian National Council for the establishment of a special committee to prepare the Constitution of the State of Palestine, the...

Swings and roundabouts || The AlephBet Israel Blog

UNRWA has been unquestioningly exposed as covering up for and supporting the Hamas regime. Surely the organization has to be disbanded now? Netanyahu continues to project confidence that Israel will win the war, but...

Consolidation: Critiques of Wexler Commission Middle East School Book Study Are the Headlines Connected? By Jonathan Rosenblum Jerusalem Post, Yated Ne'eman Tue Mar 12 2013 The textbook study: flawed and wrong By Elihu D. Richter Fri Mar 1 2013 Textbook ‘incitement’ debate not over yet: Palestinian texts promote...