This report addresses the misrepresentation and incitement that is routinely found in the words of official representatives of UNRWA. That incitement focuses on a handful of major themes, which are repeated again and again in order to...

Israel and the Gaza strip: Why economic sanctions are not collective punishment

Executive Summary The economic measures that Israel uses against the Hamas proto-government in Gaza fall under legitimate uses of economic sanctions, and conform to the requirements set forth in Article 50 of the 1899 Hague...

A report on UNRWA teachers’ incitement to jihadist terrorism and antisemitism

A REPORT ON UNRWA TEACHERS’ INCITEMENT TO JIHADIST TERRORISM AND ANTISEMITISM EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report exposes more than 40 Facebook pages operated by school teachers, principals, and other employees of the United Nations Relief and Works...

Study: Will US, Canadian & EU Trained Palestinian Forces Turn on Israel? (Hebrew)

On the surface, the Palestinian Authority has scored a major achievement over the last five years with the development of its own security force. Crime in the West Bank is at their lowest point in...

David Bedein discusses UNRWA Reform on Australian radio

David Bedein - The Israel Connexion David Bedein is the Director of the Center for Near East Policy Research, which is dedicated to proactive, investigative research and the publication of well-documented data on the core issues...

Consolidation: Critiques of Wexler Commission Middle East School Book Study Are the Headlines Connected? By Jonathan Rosenblum Jerusalem Post, Yated Ne'eman Tue Mar 12 2013 The textbook study: flawed and wrong By Elihu D. Richter Fri Mar 1 2013 Textbook ‘incitement’ debate not over yet: Palestinian texts promote...

Media Relations Guidebook

This manual is a project of the Israel Resource News Agency. Through comprehensive training the program gives survivors and families of victims of terror at-tacks the tools to effectively argue Israel's case in the...

Downplaying Why Canada Stopped Funding UNRWA in 2010

“POLITICIANS TRADE BARBS IN HOUSE OVER UNRWA FUNDING” (1) , downplays why the Canadian government stopped funding UNRWA in 2010. It was not because of the “agency’s widely reported ties to Hamas”, which “Canada...

ACLJ Obtains Concealed Obama State Department Report on Anti-Israel UNRWA

The ACLJ has just obtained a crucial Obama Administration report on an anti-Israel U.N. agency, which many in Congress believe will expose the U.N. agency’s fraudulent over-reporting on the number of Palestinian “refugees.” Until now,...

Podcasts from “Behind the Scene with David Bedein,” on Arutz 7

David Bedein, celebrating 40 years in Israel, acts as a living witness to breaking events, working as the Bureau Chief of the Israel Resource News Agency, located in Jerusalem since 1987, and as the...