Anti-Semitism in UNRWA Education
Introduction The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for the refugees of the 1948 war (UNRWA) provides educational services to school children registered as refugees in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, the West Bank (including East...
Here are the top 10 biggest donors to UNRWA in 2017: Source: Britannica
United States ($364 million)
Source: Britannica
During the 2018 World Economic Forum, Trump threatened to cut Palestinian aid due to President Mahmoud Abbas' refusal to meet with Vice President Mike Pence.
Trump said Palestinians must be willing to cooperate "or we're...
The case for shuttering UNRWA schools’ doors closed…permanently
The US government decision to suspend funds to UNRWA schools until reforms take place in UNRWA has raised some eyebrows.
Why did the US suspend funds to UNRWA in the first place?
Since 1999, Hamas has...
Australian Handout An Aid To extremism
ON 29 May 2012, then-minister for foreign affairs Bob Carr signed an agreement with then-UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) head Filippo Grandi, to provide $90 million for Palestinian refugees for...
How to contact the US Congress in an effective manner on behalf of Israel:
The US has taken a leading role in promoting peace in the Middle East.
In contrast to the US policy of advocacy for peace, the US...
Funds Palestinian education, which has adopted a curriculum that...
Analysis: Cutting UNRWA aid will not cause a humanitarian crisis
Yochanan Visser is an independent journalist/analyst who worked for many years as Middle East correspondent for Western in Arizona and was a frequent publicist for the main Dutch paper De Volkskrant. He authored a book in...
Update: Study Shows Deterioration in New School Books used by the Palestinian Authority...
This paper updates a report titled "UNRWA's Problematic Educational Role in the Middle East Conflict". The said report, issued in September 2017, reviewed UNRWA's role in perpetuating the Middle East conflict, having used for...
תחקיר חדש מצביע על התדרדרות קיצונית בספרי הלימוד של אונר”א והרשות הפלסתינאית
הקדמה נייר זה מעדכן דו"ח קודם בכותרת "התפקיד החינוכי הבעייתי של אונר"א בסכסוך המזרח-תיכוני". - , סקר את תרומתה של אונר"א להנצחת הסכסוך המזרח 2017הדו"ח האמור, שיצא לאור בספטמבר תיכוני ע"י השימוש במשך עשרות...
ישראל, יהודים ושלום בספרי הלימוד של הרש”פ בשימוש בבתיה”ס של אונר”א היום
הקדמה נייר זה מעדכן דו"ח קודם בכותרת "התפקיד החינוכי הבעייתי של אונר"א בסכסוך המזרח-תיכוני". -, סקר את תרומתה של אונר"א להנצחת הסכסוך המזרח2017הדו"ח האמור, שיצא לאור בספטמבר תיכוני ע"י השימוש במשך עשרות שנים בספרי...