White House: It is wrong to encourage non-Arab Israelis to vote to offset foreign...

[Dr. Aaron Lerner - IMRA: Let's get this straight: The Likud Party didn't encourage its members to try to interfere with Israeli Arabs as they went about participating in the Knesset elections. All the Likud Party...

מחקר סופי (יוני 2018) – היהודים והשלום בספרי הלימוד החדשים של הרש”פ בשימוש בבתיה”ס...

הקדמה נייר זה הוא העידכון הסופי של שני מחקרים קודמים שפורסמו באנגלית. הראשון שבהם, תחת הכותרת בספטמבר יצא", UNRWA's Problematic Educational Role in the Middle East Conflict" 2017 .הוא סקר את תפקידה של אונר"א בהנצחת הסכסוך המזרח-תיכוני...

ACLJ Obtains Concealed Obama State Department Report on Anti-Israel UNRWA

The ACLJ has just obtained a crucial Obama Administration report on an anti-Israel U.N. agency, which many in Congress believe will expose the U.N. agency’s fraudulent over-reporting on the number of Palestinian “refugees.” Until now,...

2023- Ten worst global antisemitic incidents

They brutally murdered 1,200 Israelis - men, women, and children - including infants. They mass raped women and kidnapped and took over 240 hostages, holding them in underground tunnels, some for over 2 months....

תחקיר חדש מצביע על התדרדרות קיצונית בספרי הלימוד של אונר”א והרשות הפלסתינאית

הקדמה נייר זה מעדכן דו"ח קודם בכותרת "התפקיד החינוכי הבעייתי של אונר"א בסכסוך המזרח-תיכוני". - , סקר את תרומתה של אונר"א להנצחת הסכסוך המזרח 2017הדו"ח האמור, שיצא לאור בספטמבר תיכוני ע"י השימוש במשך עשרות...

How UNRWA spend funds

Operating within a resource-constrained environment, and reliant on voluntary funding, UNRWA allocates its limited resources among the services we provide to Palestine refugees, prioritizing the needs of the most vulnerable. The UNRWA budget structure reflects...

Greenblatt calls for probe into UNRWA ethical abuses

US Special Representative for International Negotiations, Jason Greenblatt, responded on Monday to the publication of a UN ethics report which found mismanagement and abuses of authority at the highest levels of UNRWA, the UN...

Time to Reconsider U.S. Support of UNRWA

Abstract The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) was established more than 60 years ago as a temporary initiative to address the needs of Palestinian refugees and...

UNRWA’s Fake Students, Curriculum and Shortfall

The first day of school was a wonderful opportunity for the 70 year-old temporary United Nations agency to show pictures of children and ask for money. Students attend their first day of the 2019-2020 school...

Podcasts from “Behind the Scene with David Bedein,” on Arutz 7

David Bedein, celebrating 40 years in Israel, acts as a living witness to breaking events, working as the Bureau Chief of the Israel Resource News Agency, located in Jerusalem since 1987, and as the...