UNRWA in Gaza and Terrorist Organizations A Cooperative Relationship

The UNRWA teachers’ union in the Gaza Strip has close to 7,000 members, the civil service sector has about 2,000 and the general UNRWA workers number about 1,500. Elections are held once every three years to...

David Bedein discusses UNRWA Reform on Australian radio

David Bedein - The Israel Connexion David Bedein is the Director of the Center for Near East Policy Research, which is dedicated to proactive, investigative research and the publication of well-documented data on the core issues...

U.N. Schools of “JIHADI TERROR” WorldWide”

Where do YOUR tax dollars go? PROOF! U.N. Schools teach Jihadi TERROR WorldWide!

Inside UNRWA: Special Investigative Report

UNRWA, founded as a humanitarian agency, has subordinated its role as a service provider to a political agenda: It is the only UN agency dedicated exclusively to one group of refugees and establishes its own unique and...

Press release for new e-book; Where has all the flour gone: the whims and...

http://www.24-7pressrelease.com/press-release/ new-book-exposes-us-and-un-for-funding-terrorism-236520.php September 21, 2011 /EIN Presswire/ -- The United Nations refugee policy funds the teaching of terrorist ideals and practices within refugee camp schools. This claim is one of many veteran news reporter and commentator...

Ten Talking Points: How to respond to UNRWA Attacks on its Critics

A senior public relations official of UNRWA met with our agency in Washington, DC on March 5, 2013 and viewed the film A CLASSROOM IN UNRWA,http://israelbehindthenews.com/bin/content.cgi?ID=5382&q=1 and voiced comments that deserve a rebuttal. Ten talking points...

UNRWA’s Message of Hate and Indoctrination

The education of Palestinian schoolchildren must change drastically if there is ever to be a lasting negotiated peace between the Israelis and Palestinians. Why? Because these schools have been inciting three generations of young...

UNRWA’s Self-serving Agenda

Since June 1967, operations in the West Bank and Gaza by the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) have been carried out in accordance with an explicit...

Palestinian Authority schoolbooks deny Holocaust, legitimize Munich massacre

Children in the Palestinian Authority and UNRWA  began their school year on Sept. 1, only instead of the promised education reforms, their schools continue to use the same books that have been heavily criticized...

ישראל, יהודים ושלום בספרי הלימוד של הרש”פ בשימוש בבתיה”ס של אונר”א היום

הקדמה נייר זה מעדכן דו"ח קודם בכותרת "התפקיד החינוכי הבעייתי של אונר"א בסכסוך המזרח-תיכוני". -, סקר את תרומתה של אונר"א להנצחת הסכסוך המזרח2017הדו"ח האמור, שיצא לאור בספטמבר תיכוני ע"י השימוש במשך עשרות שנים בספרי...