ACLJ Files FOIA Lawsuit Against Anti-Israel Deep State Over Burying UNRWA Fraud and Joining...

The ACLJ is once again taking the anti-Israel Deep State back to federal court, this time over allegations that it is burying a U.N. agency’s fraud and joining the U.N. in circumventing international law. Monday...

Brazil’s admission to the Advisory Commission of UNRWA

The United Nations General Assembly has decided, by Resolution 69/86, to admit Brazil as a member of the Advisory Commission of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near...

Help UNRWA Schools Get Funding: Remove UNRWA War Education

UNRWA reports that its $1.2 billion budget, funded by 62 nations, cannot come up with the necessary $101 million to launch the new school year for 492,000 students who study in 699 UNRWA schools...

Gaza UNRWA director Bo Schack complains about the humanitarian situation for the residents of...

Interview: UNRWA official urges efforts to ease humanitarian crisis in Gaza A senior United Nations (UN) official has said that the Palestinian population in Gaza in general, and refugees in particular, have suffered enough, urging...

UNRWA- A UN Agency Encourages Children to Engage in Acts of War

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which serves Palestinian Arabs  who were  refugees from the 1948 war, along with their descendants,  is responsible for the education of about 25% of Palestinian Arab ...

Amazing that UNRWA can say this with a straight face

The most recent report of the Commissioner-General of UNRWA to the UN, covering 2013, includes this head-scratcher of a line: "The situation also affected the 1.9 million registered Palestine refugees in the State of Palestine." So...

How UNRWA spend funds

Operating within a resource-constrained environment, and reliant on voluntary funding, UNRWA allocates its limited resources among the services we provide to Palestine refugees, prioritizing the needs of the most vulnerable. The UNRWA budget structure reflects...

How Canada Can Influence UNRWA Refugee Policy

With the dawn of a new government in Israel, Canada seeks a constructive role in the renewal of a peace process in the Middle East. In that context, the Canadian government has announced renewed funding...


This report addresses the misrepresentation and incitement that is routinely found in the words of official representatives of UNRWA. That incitement focuses on a handful of major themes, which are repeated again and again in order to...


UNRWA says Twitter page hacked after post lauding 'famed' Palestinian terrorist Following a tweet from the UN’s agency for Palestinian relief, UNRWA, lauding a "famed" Palestinian writer who also served as the spokesperson for a...