"right of return" armed - search results

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President Trump and Peace Education: Required Changes in PA text books, used in US...

As President elect Donald Trump launches his transition team, he will undoubtedly take a good look at US Middle East Policy. The new President will have to cope with the fact that the US...

Op-Ed: US President Elect Donald Trump should take a stand against Palestinian incitement

In the wake of the election of Donald Trump, Rachel Avraham explains that a great way for the newly elected President to show his friendship towards Israel is to take a stand against Palestinian...

Experts: Over 200 US-approved textbooks teach Palestinians to kill Jews

The violent curriculum can be found in 240 books – ranging from civics to mathematics – in over 400 UNRWA schools in the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem, experts say. Over 200 US-government- approved...

UNRWA textbooks teach hatred

The Center for Near East Policy Research held a press briefing today that the World Zionist Organization which was meant to provide a glimpse into schools set up by the United Nations Relief and...

Why the Oslo Process Doomed Peace

Twenty-three years after its euphoric launch on the White House lawn, the Oslo "peace process" between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) stands out as one of the worst calamities to have afflicted...

A guide to the ten principles of the PLO two stage solution, not the...

PLO War Strategy.  In 1974, the P.L.O., at its 12th National Convention, adopted a “The Strategy of Stages” – to convey the impression of “moderation”, with the Stage I as the establishment of...

Transcript – July 19 UNRWA policy briefing at Knesset, for journalists & diplomats

Introductory Remarks by David Bedein, Director of Center for Near East Policy Research: We begin the briefing with “Mohammed Assaf War Song for UNRWA”- short video depicting the singer Mohammed Assaf who is UNRWA’s official...

UN Schools Caught Teaching Arab Children to Wage Jihad on Jews

Using funding from Western taxpayers, and Americans in particular, United Nations schools are teaching Arab children to glorify terrorism and wage constant war against their Jewish neighbors, according to a new film. In theexplosive...

Charity for terror: DFID, UNRWA, HAMAS

This week, after the Telegraph published an investigation, http://tinyurl.com/h9mgssb which alleged that DFID, the UK charity czar, was allocating charitable funds to terrorist organizations.  Indeed, the time has come for the British media and the...

Recent Video Shows Palestinian School Children Subjected to Anti-Israel Indoctrination

Palestinian children study a chapter of anti-Israel hatred in a YouTube video from the Hamas-affiliated Shihab news agency. Overview 1. The Hamas-affiliated Shihab news agency recently posted a video to its Facebook page entitled "The Palestinian...