"right of return" armed - search results

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Reform UNRWA, a renegade agency committed to hate

What if a secretive United Nations organization existed that employed murderers and terrorists; that hired trained killers as school principals; that brainwashed children in Islamic fundamentalism; that ran a propaganda machine, using social media...

Dear President Trump: End UN refugee camps now

At a time when the new Trump administration is focusing on United Nations cuts and on Middle East negotiations, the United States could invest its energy in a real legacy that can be achieved:...

The Arab League remains in a full scale war with Israel

As the Arab League meets in Amman, Jordan, the media misses the most important story, which is that the Arab league remains is state of full scale war with Israel. When reporters focus on...

Review of “Genesis of the Palestinian Authority” 

Journalist David Bedein, who runs the Israel Resource News Agency and the Center for Near East Policy Research, takes us inside the world of the Palestinian Authority, which Bedein has covered for the past...

Resume offered Fayad for a position at the UN

Former Palestinian Authority leader Salman Fayad, who served as PA prime minister from 2007 until 2013. has been nominated for a high position in the office of the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. The Fayed nomination...

Hearing of Committee on Foreign Affairs

February 2, 2017 Dear Members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Thank you for affording me this opportunity to share my thoughts with this esteemed committee. This past year I was invited by friends involved in NORPAC...

Proposed Palestinian State: Compendium Of Background Articles

Proposed Palestinian State: Compendium Of Background Articles Articles by: David Bedein Director Israel Resource News Agency Center for Near East Policy Research Beit Agron Suite 105-106 37 Hillel Street Jerusalem 94581 Israel Tel. 0547-222-661 Fax 02-623-6470 www.israelbehindthenews.com   The "Kill and Run" Precedent of the New...

UK and UNRWA Education for Peace: What will be?

The Center for Near East Policy Research was  asked by a British Member of Parliament, about  the UK's role in the UNRWA facilities that education of 492,000 children who learn in UNRWA schools, from...

The UNRWA Reform Initiative (U.R.I.)

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) serves five million descendants of the Arab refugees from the 1948 Arab-Israeli War of Independence, who still subsist in refugee conditions, under the premise of the “right...

A25 PAGE EXEC SUMMARY: Jews and the Jewish State in Schoolbooks Used by UNRWA:...

Jews and the Jewish State in Schoolbooks Used by UNRWA: De-legitimization, Demonization and Indoctrination to War By Arnon Groiss (November 2016)  UNRWA's Educational Activity The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) was established following the Arab-Israeli war of 1948 in...