"right of return" armed - search results

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To Dr. Cary Nelson, who chaired the anti-BDS conference in Jerusalem on Monday

Attn: Dr. Cary Nelson Author, The Case Against Academic Boycotts of Israel Dear Cary, Good to meet you and good to see you at the conference. This is how you were quoted by journalist Judy Maltz HAARETZ “Nelson,...

UNRWA unmasked at the Knesset

The Knesset (Israel’s Parliament) was the venue on 20 December 2015 for an important forum devoted to learning exactly what goes on behind the scenes at the UN agency tasked with looking after Palestinian...

The Lies of Saeb Erekat: How Palestinian Propaganda Warps the Truth and Undermines Peace...

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An incendiary propaganda document replete with blatant lies and utter distortions of history penned by Saeb Erekat, recently sent to foreign media, exposes the futility of the Palestinian mindset, and reveals just...

Required Changes in Palestinian Authority/UNRWA Schoolbooks –  to conform with peace policies advocated by...

Research by Dr. Arnon Groiss. Since 2000, Dr. Arnon Groiss has examined the new school books which were put in use by the PA and UNRWA between 2000 and 2006m with the generous funding of...

Sept. 20 address at AACIn Netanya: Make Your Voice Heard in the Media, with...

Demand that Donor Nations ask for Changes in Palestinian Authority books Used by UNRWA and the PA Background The following is a list of changes that UNRWA must introduce into the Palestinian Authority textbooks it uses...

Iranian weapons in Hamas summer camps

In a new video that was uploaded to Youtube, children in a Hamas summer camp are being taught to work for the destruction of Israel with Iranian weapons. David Bedein, director of the Center...

Background to the film: Iran: Billions for Terror

This summer, our news agency received a press release that was startling. It stated that ​​the Hamas movement, which essentially runs Gaza, would organize weapons training 'camps' for 15,000 boys and girls, age 12 to 16,...

A First Victory in the War for UNRWA Reform

Working as a community organization social work professional and as a journalist who has run a research center and news agency since 1987, I have been involved in a 28 year effort to reform...

Palestinians: Turning Refugee Camps into Weapons Warehouses

Most of the Palestinian camps in Lebanon and Syria have long served as large weapons warehouses controlled by various militias belonging to different groups. This has been happening while the United Nations Relief and...

Jerusalem: Delusions of Division – Introduction

About the Book1 This book, which deals with the future of Jerusalem, was first published seven years ago with the title The Dangers of Division. After a wave of extreme Palestinian violence that centered on...