UNRWA US july - search results

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Follow up question : Press Briefing: Remarks of Mr. Pierre Krahenbuhl, Commissioner-General of UNRWA...

http://imra.org.il/story.php3?id=64328 From: Dr. Aaron LernerSent: Monday, July 14, 2014 3:19 PMTo: c.gunness@unrwa.orgSubject: Follow up question: Press Briefing: Remarks of Mr. PierreKrahenbuhl, Commissioner-General of UNRWA in Gaza. 14 July 2014 Dear Christopher Gunness - UNRWA Spokesperson Following up...

UNRWA tells reporters to interview Norwegian supporter of 9/11 terror attacks

http://blog.unwatch.org/index.php/2014/07/14/unrwa-tells-reporters-to-interview-norwegian-supporter-of-911-attacks/ GENEVA, July 14 - UN Watch today called on UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to reprimand a top official in Gaza who is telling reporters to interview a Norwegian doctor and radical Maoist politician who...

Follow up question : Press Briefing: Remarks of Mr. Pierre Krahenbuhl, Commissioner-General of UNRWA...

http://imra.org.il/story.php3?id=64328 From: Dr. Aaron Lerner Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 3:19 PM To: c.gunness@unrwa.org Subject: Follow up question: Press Briefing: Remarks of Mr. Pierre Krahenbuhl, Commissioner-General of UNRWA in Gaza. 14 July 2014 Dear Christopher Gunness...

FOLLOW UP QUESTION: PRESS STATEMENT: UNRWA calls for restraint as violence escalates in the...

From: Dr. Aaron LernerSent: Wednesday, July 02, 2014 6:03 PMTo: c.gunness@unrwa.org Greetings, “We again call on the Israeli authorities to refrain from punishing individuals for offences they themselves have not personally committed.” What is the view of...

UNRWA: Blurring the Lines between Humanitarianism and Politics

http://jcpa.org/unrwa_blurring_the_lines/ The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has become one of the largest UN programs, with over 30,000 personnel operating in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the...

UNRWA schools in Gaza – a greenhouse for Hamas and anti Israeli radicalism

Hamas maintains control over UNRWA Staff Union The “Professional List” headed by senior Hamas activist, Suhail al-Hindi, won a landslide victory in the elections to the UNRWA Staff Union held in September 2012. With a...

Analysis by Rachel Avraham: Donor Nations Must Reform UNRWA

http://www.jerusalemonline.com/news/middle-east/the-arab-world/analysis-by-rachel-avraham-donor-nations-must-reform-unrwa-3388 Jews are "the wolf"Photo Credit: Channel 2 Since Israel’s War of Independence, millions of descendants of Palestinian refugees have been living across the Middle East in the surrounding Arab host countries, especially in Jordan, Lebanon,...

Exposing & Reforming UNRWA

http://www.thelawfareproject.org/unrwas-violations-of-childrens-human-rights.html DONATE TODAY AND HELP US EXPOSE THE UNLAWFUL PRACTICES OF UNRWA I. Introduction The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) is currently petitioning donor nations to increase to...


(By popular demand) TRANSCRIPT: CAMP JIHAD: INSIDE UNRWA SUMMER CAMP SEASON, 2013 http://israelbehindthenews.com/bin/content.cgi?ID=5666&q=1 Narrator: The United Nations Relief and Works Agency, also known as UNRWA, serves 5 million descendants of Arab refugees from the 1948 Arab-Israel...

Letter: Incitement against Israel and encouragement to take violent means against Israel in the...

Jerusalem, July 10, 2013 To: Ms. Jessica Smith Deputy Head (London) Palestinian Team Middle East And North Africa Department "DFID": Department for International Development By e-mail: JESSICA-SMITH@DFID.GOV.UK Dear Madam, Re: Incitement against Israel and encouragement to take violent means against Israel in the...