UNRWA US july - search results

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Business as Usual with UNRWA

Business as usual is nicely defined as “Persistence in the ordinary course of events despite difficulties, morality, and other hindrances.” This month the Department of State published its “Framework for Cooperation Between the United Nations Relief...

Lack of response of US AID and US embassy ​to HAMAS collusion with UNRWA

​Two US government entities in Tel Aviv will not respond to continued Hamas involvement with UNRWA, which would raise questions about the legality of continued US assistance to UNRWA, since it is illegal for...

Why State Dept. Defends UNRWA’s Artificial “Refugee” Designations

http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/4742/unrwa-refugee-designations The U.S. State Department has chosen to act as UNRWA's patron and the protector of its mission, perpetuating and expanding the refugee issue as a source of conflict against Israel. Apparently more Israeli houses hurt...

New US funds allocated to UNRWA ​in Gaza ​without any conditions attached

United States Announces Additional Humanitarian Assistance for Palestinians in Gaza http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/ps/2014/09/231975.htm#.VCCvgnIAQlA.gmail Media Note Office of the Spokesperson Washington, DC September 22, 2014 Today, Secretary of State John Kerry announced that the United States is providing more than...

A Dispassionate Look at UNRWA as a neutral source… After Examining UNRWA Statements During...

In the New Year, Israel and nations concerned about the humanitarian rehabilitation of Gaza are looking for an agency to carry out that task at hand. A neutral entity has been sought in order to...

UNRWA at WAR: An examination of UNRWA statements and actions during the Israeli-Hamas conflict...

June 27 through August 23 ________________________ As UNRWA statements and actions are reviewed, certain factors become readily evident: UNRWA, which has a mandate to function as a humanitarian relief organization, consistently and inappropriately politicizes its positions. That politicization...

Policy Paper for Submission to the UN. UNRWA as a Convenient Surrogate for Terrorists...

Introduction The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) was founded in 1950, with its' stated goals of providing“education, health care, relief and social services, camp infrastructure and improvement, microfinance and emergency assistance” for over...

July 31, 2014: Potentially a Huge Turn-Around

Today I am feeling a far greater certainty that our government is going to see through this war to its necessary end. That our prime minister is working with resolve, looking first at the...

A Former US President Had A Special Insight Into The Evil Of Hamas

http://www.businessinsider.com/a-former-us-president-had-a-special-insight-into-the-evil-of-hamas-2014-7 Hamas' armed wing spokesman (C) speaks during a news conference in Gaza City on July 3, 2014. Five observations about the Gaza conflict, including praise for an ex-president's insight into the particular nature of Hamas'...

“Fabrication” to Validation:UNRWA responds to evidence that Hamas embedded itself in UNRWA

To grasp the complexities of the Israel- Gaza war, you must take into account that UNRWA the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, remains responsible for the well being of 75% of Gaza's population,...