bedein unrwa - search results

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CAEF and Bedein Center Press Release: LET MY PEOPLE KNOW

LET MY PEOPLE KNOW While it is widely known that the nascent Palestine Authority (PA) pays Arabs who kill Jews, what has escaped public knowledge is that the PA has actually enacted a law to...

CAEF and Bedein Center Press Release: LET MY PEOPLE KNOW

LET MY PEOPLE KNOW While it is widely known that the nascent Palestine Authority (PA) pays Arabs who kill Jews, what has escaped public knowledge is that the PA has actually enacted a law to...

Researcher: UNRWA is run by terrorists

In Brussels, a conference of countries contributing to UNRWA, the special refugee organization set up by the UN for Palestinian Arab refugees and their descendants, is being held today. The conference is being held...

UNRWA:s givarländer kommer att samlas i Bryssel nästa vecka. Kommer de tillsammans arbeta för...

67 donationsländer till UNRWA kommer att samlas i Bryssel nästa vecka. Där kommer de att arbeta tillsammans för en konstruktiv framtid för de ättlingar till arabiska flyktingar från 1948 som idag utnyttjar UNRWA:s tjänster....

Nächste Woche werden UNRWA-Geberstaaten in Brüssel zusammenkommen. Dies ist eine Gelegenheit für sie, gemeinsam...

Das Nachrichten- und Recherchebüro, das ich seit 1987 leite, konzentriert sich auf die UNRWA, in der Hoffnung, dass die 5,3 Millionen Nachkommen arabischer Flüchtlinge von 1948, die in 59 Flüchtlingslagern von UNRWA-Dienstleistungen profitieren, eines...
Philippe Lazzarini, comissário geral da UNRWA, visita Sheikh Jarrah em 2 de junho.

A UNRWA manterá sua nova política contra o incitamento?

Em julho de 2014, Philippe Lazzarini, comissário geral da UNRWA,  assinou um novo memorando de entendimento com o governo dos Estados Unidos.  O aspecto revolucionário deste documento é que foi a primeira vez que uma...

Uppgradering av undersökningar av UNRWA genom en flerspråkig Studio.

På UNRWA:s officiella webbplats (United Nations Relief and Works Agency),, visas med stolthet UNRWA:s kultur: i teatergrupper, musiksammansättning, konst och hantverk, väggmålning och sporttävlingar. Dock finns ett tema som kännetecknar all denna UNRWA -kultur...

No EU policy to pressure UNRWA to stop incitement in their schools

Following press reports that the European Union now conditions further funding of UNRWA on the eradication of incitement in the UNRWA curriculum, The Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research asked the spokesperson of...

Interview with David Bedein following the Sept. 26 elections in Germany

1. What do you hope for from the federal election and the new federal government in Germany? I expect and hope that the German federal government will rethink its aid to the Palestinian Authority and...

New Movie, shot on location in Gaza – “The UNRWA child soldier”

In August, 2021, The Bedein Center for Near East Policy Research dispatched a TV crew to Gaza to cover military summer camps for UNRWA students, age 10--17: "THE UNRWA CHILD SOLDIER" German Version Hebrew Version   English version