congressional - search results

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UNRWA Aids Hamas Military Wing , While the US – The Biggest UNRWA Funder-...

Over the past week, the World Vision, a well-known humanitarian organization, was formally accused and indicted for secretly aiding military activities of Hamas, designated as an FTO by the US – a “Foreign Terror...

The 28 Pages that Damn Saudi Arabia

More puzzling than the elusive pages from the Congressional 9/11 inquiry is why Obama released them, and specifically, why now. The president apparently believes it will burnish his legacy, embarrass his enemies and...

Expert Testimony at US Congress: Palestinian Authority sponsors terrorism

Yigal Carmon,  who served as the counter terrorism expert under Prime Ministers Shamir and Rabin, 1988-1993,  and who now heads a prominent think tank in Jerusalem, testified at the U.S. House Committee on Foreign...

Lawmakers call for defunding UN schools after film shows Palestinian kids praising ISIS

U.S. lawmakers want to cut off funds to United Nations-run schools where a new documentary shows kids as young as 13 declaring they want to kill Jews and join ISIS. The documentary, “The UNRWA Road...

That $1.7 billion the Obama admin transferred to Iran amid hostage release went straight...

On Jan 16 Iranian and then U.S. sources revealed Iran had released four of the American hostages it had been holding . At the same time the U.S. transferred $1.7b to Iran, released 7...

Palestinian Arab refugees – whose responsibility?

According to the first US Ambassador to Israel, James McDonald’s My Mission in Israel (published in 1951, pages 174-6): “The refugees were on hands as a result of a war, which they had...

Your Tax Dollars and UNRWA’s Lobbying Shop in Washington By Claudia Rosett

At Geneva-based UN Watch, the invaluable Hillel Neuer reminds us that the head of the Advisory Commission for the United Nations Palestinian refugee agency (UNRWA) is none other than Syria. That bit of UN...

Why does the government ​of Israel ​ not do what we do?

A friend from the US sent an inquiry to our agency: Why does the government ​of Israel ​ not do what we do? Let's look at the situation in a dispassionate manner. The government of Israel decided,...

House Foreign Affairs Committee Slams Palestinian Incitement

The following US congressional initiative reflects painstaking work of twenty years to overcome all odds to make the issue of war incitement of The Palestinian Authority and UNRWA onto the US agenda. We acquired...
The Azadi Tower in Tehran, Iran's capital city

State Dept confirms nuke deal allows Iran ballistic missile development — Military/political/diplomatic overview

Iranian media reported over the weekend that Tehran recently tested a new precision-guided long-range ballistic missile, the Emad, which is capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. The test is a black-letter violation of United Nations...