anti-semitism palestinian authority - search results

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Should funding to UNRWA be made conditional on ending incitement?

A new comprehensive study by the Center for Near East Policy Research & the Israel Resource News Agency, commissioned by the Simon Wiesenthal Center, highlights new Palestinian Authority school books used in UNRWA schools,...

National Security Council (NSC) issues statement on UNRWA. We offer to brief the NSC

The White House National Security Council spokesman issued the following statement about UNRWA "The United States has supported the work of UNRWA and has been among its leading donors, having provided over $359 million in...

Towards Pending Abbas visit in DC – TIME TO ENFORCE US PLO POLICY...

With President Donald Trump set to greet Machmud Abbas,  head of the Palestinian Authority, at the White House on May 3rd, the time has come to examine how the US allowed the PLO to...

Trump’s Terror Travel Ban Should Include members of PLO & PA

Jews were among those protesting at American airports against the Trump Administration ban on visitors from terror-related Middle East countries. Travel bans against Jews, specifically Israeli Jews, to Muslim countries continues on a daily basis...

Questions about Keith Ellison Reflect Questions about the Democratic Party

All aspirants for chairmanship of the Democratic Party should clarify where they stand on the Jewish state and how they will support it in the future, not as a political issue, but as a...

As Trump Charts New Mideast Policy, White House Contemplates Sabotage

After their first meeting, with cameras broadcasting their every word across the globe, President Obama turned to Donald Trump and pledged "to do everything we can to help you succeed." Media outlets across the...

Hilary Clinton’s record – A dispassionate perspective from Jerusalem

During the summer of 2000, ISRAEL RESOURCE NEWS AGENCY acquired the new Palestinian Authority school books, the first curriculum produced by the Palestinian Authority, for use in the US funded UNRWA school system...ISRAEL RESOURCE...

Hamas and Black Lives Matter: A marriage made in hell

In October 2014, the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation (a clearinghouse for the International Solidarity Movement, ISM) ended their Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) organizing conference against Israel in San Diego, California. At...


The Palestinian Authority names parks and schools after murderers and broadcasts anti-Semitic hate. I’ve written about a half-dozen times in the past about UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in...

UN school students taught to kill Jews

Camera crews visiting United Nations-funded schools for Palestinians have uncovered new evidence that teachers are indoctrinating students with extremism and anti-Semitism. “Stabbing and running over Jews brings dignity to the Palestinians,” one boy studying at...