unrwa - search results

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Chris Gunness’ (other) Twitter account shows his hypocrisy

Sure, he wants to hear from you....as long as you agree with him completely.

Garnishing Bank Accounts of Killers: Beyond Home Demolition

A 45-year-old American Israeli, Ari Fuld z”l came to my office 2 weeks ago, offering to contribute to our exposés of the PA/UNRWA “education.” Ari gave me a blessing for success which I will...

Revoke a License to Murder

A 45 year old American Israeli, Ari Fuld z"l came to my office 2 weeks ago, offering to contribute to our exposés of the PA/UNRWA "education." Ari gave me a bracha (blessing) for success which...

What the AP Intelligence Correspondent Needs to Ask

David Bedein, Director. Susannah George, AP Intelligence and National Security Correspondent, this week published a feature “Trump administration cuts aid funding for Palestinian refugees”*, which overlooked two vital issues. First, that the US cutback to UNRWA...

Peace Education Opportunity

For the past few months, ever since the US moved its embassy to Jerusalem, the US government officials have been discussing what gesture the US could make to the Palestinian Arab people. "Peace Education" would...

Department for International Development enquiry: Ref 185611

22 August 2018 Thank you for your email of 29 July about your concerns regarding UN Relief and Works Agency (UNWRA) funding and military training of children. I am replying on behalf of the Department...

Why Trump Was Right to End Funding for the UN Palestinian Aid Organization

Last week, the State Department announced that the Trump administration had concluded an internal review and decided to end all U.S. contributions to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near...

Trump Admin Slashes $200M in Palestinian Aid, May Drop ‘Right of Return’ from Negotiating...

The Trump administration's support of Israel got another potential boost with reports it's planning to remove the so-called "right of return" from the negotiating table, Israel's Channel 2 news reported over the weekend. According to...

The Palestinian Authority Educational Curriculum Transparency Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congress has introduced a bipartisan bill to annually review whether educational resources used in Palestinian schools continue to encourage “violence or intolerance toward other nations or ethnic groups.” Background: http://israelbehindthenews.com/israel-jews-and-peace-in-the-new-pa-textbooks-used-in-unrwa-schools-today-final-study/16903/ The Palestinian Authority Educational Curriculum...

Hamastan – enough already

If you lived next to neighbours whose sole aim was to murder you and in furtherance of that objective burnt your property on a daily basis, how long would it take before you decided...