unrwa - search results

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Insights into Advocacy for Israel – in Ottawa and in Washington D.C.

Insights into Advocacy for Israel - in Ottawa and in Washington D.C. with David Bedein, Director of the Center for Near East Policy Research and The Israel Resource News Agency. David Bedein will present a...

To Dr. Cary Nelson, who chaired the anti-BDS conference in Jerusalem on Monday

Attn: Dr. Cary Nelson Author, The Case Against Academic Boycotts of Israel Dear Cary, Good to meet you and good to see you at the conference. This is how you were quoted by journalist Judy Maltz HAARETZ “Nelson,...

Why We Do What We Do

​I  got on the Jersualem Light Rail today.​​ It was there that I saw Dana Weissman, a young man whom I knew when I was a community social worker in Tzfat more than 30 years...

UN Can be Curse for Refugees

For all the billions of dollars in donations it receives and for all its glossy brochures and self-congratulatory speeches its officials deliver, the United Nations might very well be the worst thing that ever...

Open letter to Ambassador Ira Forman, Special U.S. Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism

Dear Ambassador Forman, Greetings from Jerusalem. We do not yet have a record of any statement from your department on the subject of the virulent anti-semitism which emanates from official channels of the UNRWA and Palestinian...

‘No education toward 2 states in Palestinian textbooks,’ report finds

Israel is routinely left off maps, Israeli cities are said to be in Palestine, martyrdom is celebrated, and there is not a single mention of the Holocaust in more than 70 official Palestinian Authority...

Liberals wrong to fund radical Palestinian agency

Bravo to the Trudeau Liberals for supporting Tony Clement and Michelle Rempel’s opposition motion to condemn the ‘Boycott, Divestment andSanctions’ (BDS) movement against Israel. BDS is popular on universitycampuses, but most people see it...

Timing is indeed crucial…writes Michael Kuttner

Momentous events in our recent past and also today are more often than not determined by timing. A reader in a feedback recently stated that seizing the right opportunity in order to make decisive moves...

Why Canada should restore funding for Palestinian relief agency

The question of renewed Canadian core funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine refugees (UNRWA) is on the table. International Development Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau raised the issue this past Sunday...

Documentary Exposes Hamas Indoctrination, Training of Child Soldiers

The boy stands on a crowded field that looks better suited for soccer matches. He might be in his early teens, his face smeared with black camouflage. He explains what he’s learning at a...