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The Disengagement Plan’s Ten Questionable Premises

1. "The successful withdrawal from Southern Lebanon is a precedent for everything that will take place in Gaza and Northern Samaria after the withdrawal from these areas". Deputy prime minister, Minister Ehud Olmert, said in...

“Ethnic cleansing is deplorable to the rest of the world world, but here, it...

David Bronfman, a member of the famed philanthropic Canadian Jewish family, announced yesterday a $100,000 contribution toward the struggle against the disengagement plan. During a tour of Neveh Dekalim, the Toronto native, who has previously...

Questioning Whether the Palestinian Authority Police Force Acted to Close a Weapons Smuggling Tunner

Wednesday, June 1, 2005 Yesterday it was reported in the news that Palestinian policemen in Khan Yunis discovered a tunnel leading into Gush Katif and blocked it. We in Gush Katif can only express our...

Relocation of Businesses from Gush Katif

When Arik Sharon's first grandson was born, MK Zvi Hendel, then Sharon's friend, sent a huge bouquet of flowers from Gush Katif to the new grandfather. Lily was then alive, and the bouquet chosen...

ZAKA Rejects Request to Take Part in Exhuming Jewish Graves in Gush Katif

News Release For immediate release Tuesday, May 03, 2005 The Israeli security establishment has requested that ZAKA, the organization that ensures proper burial and collection of human tissues after terror attacks, participate in exhuming the graves of...

CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE in the Context of the Current Policies of the Governernment of Israel

Jean Jacques Rousseau, one of the leading philosophers of the 18th century, was among those who laid the foundations for modern democracy. In his book, "The Social Contract," he warned of the danger in...

Proposal for Palestinian Security Forces to Move Into Evacuated Homes

Settlements in northern Samaria that are to be evacuated would become camps for the Palestinian police, according to a proposal the IDF considered recently in light of the dilemma of what to do with...

100,000 Could Send Disengagement Back to Knesset

Incoming IDF Chief of Staff Major-General Dan Halutz met in Gush Katif last week with community leaders. Katif.net reports that during his exchange of comments with Avner Shimoni, the Gaza Coast Regional Council head, the...

Why Sharon’s Plan will NOT Come to Fruition

"What are you doing regarding planning for the day after?" That infuriating question regarding Sharon's Disengagement/Expulsion Plan is constantly being asked and repeated. There are those asking the question out of real concern for the...

Acting Out of Faith

Unrealistic. How can I best describe the Jewish residents of Gaza? As unrealistic. Believers. How do the Jewish residents of Gaza describe themselves? As believers. The Jewish community in Gaza today is still living an unrealistic dream. For...