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Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’ must dismantle UNRWA’s fantasyland

JERUSALEM – Full disclosure: Neither of us has seen an advance copy of President Trump’s Middle East “Deal of the Century.” But we can be certain that for this peace plan – or any...

UNRWA – A hurdle in the way of any peace process; May 2019

UNRWA uses the school textbooks of the Palestinian Authority in Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem and Gaza. That policy in itself raises a serious ethical problem, since the PA books contain crude anti-Israeli, anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic expressions ...

UNRWA schools continue teaching Palestinian children to wage war on Israel

Elizabeth Campbell, head of the Washington Representative Office for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) wrote a piece on April 5 in The New York Times in response to an April 2 article in the same newspaper by...

Trump’s Mid-East Deal of the Century Must Dismantle UNRWA’s Fantasyland

Full disclosure: Neither of us has seen an advance copy of President Trump’s Middle East “Deal of the Century.” But we can be certain that for this peace plan — or any other plan...

Former US State Dept official, now a lobbyist for UNRWA, writes a tendentious ...

Elizabeth Campbell directs the UNRWA lobby in Washington, D.C. Prior to joining forces with UNRWA, Campbell acted as the "humanitarian policy adviser" in the Bureau of International Organization Affairs in the Department of State, where...

How Sen James Risch (R-Idaho) forced The US State Dep’t to become transparent about...

From: Center For Near East Policy Research Lt  Date: Wed, Apr 3, 2019 Subject: How Sen. James Risch (R-Idaho) forced State Dep’t to become transparent about UNRWA David Bedein Director, Israel Resource News Agency and The Center for...

Israel Support Committee of Central NJ to Discuss UNRWA

The Israel Support Committee of Central New Jersey will have four experts from The Center for Near East Policy Research explain how the United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNRWA) became a terrorist incubator. UNRWA was...

As this intelligence report confirms, riots have broken out in UNRWA camps in Gaza

Group raises alarm over UNRWA’s anti-Israel incitement within its Jerusalem schools

Perhaps unbeknown to many Israelis is the shocking fact that only 12 minutes from downtown Jerusalem by light rail, a neighborhood exists within the city’s jurisdiction in which Arab children are being taught that...

Implications of an independent GAO study of PA/UNRWA education

One of our most extensive areas of journalistic research has involved investigations of Palestinian Authority /UNRWA education. We engaged Israeli and Arab journalists to film PA/UNRWA schools, acquire and translate all new PA/UNRWA school books, and investigate the terror involvement in...