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Grupp varnar för anti-Israeliska uppvigling i Jerusalem UNRWA: s skolor

Palestinska demonstranter viftar sin nationella flagga framför ett tillverkat jätte flyktingkort under protester mot det amerikanska beslutet att minska FNs-bidrag till palestinierna i Västbankens stad Betlehem den 26 september 2018. Kanske är det inte bekant...

Group raises alarm over UNRWA’s anti-Israel incitement within its Jerusalem schools

Perhaps unbeknown to many Israelis is the shocking fact that only 12 minutes from downtown Jerusalem by light rail, a neighborhood exists within the city’s jurisdiction in which Arab children are being taught that...

UNRWA in Jerusalem: Anatomy of Chaos – English

This video is about UNRWA in Jerusalem: Anatomy of Chaos UNRWA in Jerusalem: Anatomy of Chaos English from David Bedein on Vimeo.

Israel “Considers” Relocation of UNRWA from Jerusalem

Our recent film, UNRWA IN JERUSALEM: ANATOMY OF CHAOS, brought the issue of the woeful neglect and potential powderkeg of UNRWA facilities in Jerusalem to public attention. UNRWA in Jerusalem: Anatomy of Chaos English...

New report reveals UNRWA’s ties with front organization of Islamic Jihad

David Bedein, director of the Center for Near East Policy Research, calls on the Canadian government to halt funding designated for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near...

New Films Shot on location at the UNRWA refugee camp in Shuafat in Jerusalem

UNRWA in Jerusalem: Anatomy of Chaos English from David Bedein on Vimeo. UNRWA in Jerusalem: Anatomy of Chaos Hebrew from David Bedein on Vimeo.

New report reveals UNRWA’s ties with front organization of Islamic Jihad

The following is a press release issued on January 10, 2019 by the Center for Near East Policy Research. David Bedein, director of the Center for Near East Policy Research, calls on the Canadian government to...

Launching the “Inter-Parliamentary Lobby for UNRWA Reform”, based in Stockholm, Sweden.

Background Nations of the world who help refugees from the 1948 Arab Israeli war deserve appreciation, since their governments do not forget those who bear the human consequences of that war. Time has come to work...

Unprecedented Official Call to close UNRWA – Now for Follow Up

Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely told foreign ambassadors and diplomats on Tuesday that UNRWAshould be shut down. "Israel's policy is to close UNRWA. They are the problem, not the solution. Over the years,...

UNCA Press Conference with Bassem Eid, Palestinian Human Rights Activist and experts on UNRWA...

Dear colleagues, UNCA will hold a press conference with Bassem Eid, Palestinian human rights activist and founder of the Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group, and other experts on Wednesday, October 17th at 1:30 pm in...