bedein unrwa - search results

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At the UN Correspondents Assn: Reform UNRWA Now

David Bedein meeting at the UN to ask the UN to reform the UNRWA charter

UNRWA ifrågasätter aldrig huruvida skolböcker från Palestinska myndigheten (PA) bör användas av ett FN-organ...

UNRWA: s generaldirektör Pierre Krahenbuhl deltar på en nyhetskonferens i slutet av ett toppmöte för att hantera den palestinska UNWRA-finansieringskrisen vid U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) huvudkontor i Rom, Italien 15 mars 2018. Det...

Affronter l’antisémitisme des programmes scolaires de l’UNRWA à l’ONU

L'UNRWA ne se demande jamais si les manuels scolaires de l'Autorité palestinienne devraient être utilisés par une agence de l'ONU qui doit adhérer aux principes fondamentaux des Nations Unies. Coïncidence de timing. Tandis que le...

Confronting UNRWA education antisemitism at the UN

The timing of the Palestinian Authority being called to task for antisemitism in its textbooks by the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination coincides with the UNRWA mandate coming under debate for renewal every...

ILTV: Leaked report reveals UNRWA corruption

Dr. Martin Sherman, founder & executive director of the IISS and David Bedein, Director of the Center for Near East Policy are in the ILTV studio to discuss the UN investigation of new accusations...

Norwegian coverage of the UNRWA summer camp for weapons instruction

Utenriksdepartementet i Oslo avviser israelske påstander om at barn læres opp til å bruke våpen på UNRWAS sommerleirer. –Påstanden om at barn på UNRWAs sommerleir i Gaza læres opp i å bruke våpen medfører ikke riktighet....

UNRWA – Sverige betalar för sommarläger i Gaza med terrorutbildning för barn

- I juli började UNRWAs sommarläger i Gaza. Hamas är med på dessa läger. De lär barn mellan nio och sexton år att använda vapen. Sverige har lovat att ge 64.999.7562 dollar till UNRWA,...

UNRRP: The UNRWA Refugee Resettlement Plan

©David Bedein, MSW UNRRP: The UNRWA Refugee Resettlement Plan Proposed Location: Stockholm, Sweden Forming Board of Directors to Foster  New Approach  Help 5 million descendants of Arab refugees from 1948 to get on with their lives in a...

Exposed: Hamas Has a Sleeper Cell Inside UNRWA

The head of UNRWA’s employees’ union in the Gaza Strip is a fairly anonymous Hamas official who has been placed by the terror organization inside the agency as a “sleeper” who can use the...

Hamas endorsement of UNRWA elections underscores the agency’s inherent flaws

Following the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine (UNRWA) union elections in Gaza on April 24 and the publishing of the results mid-May, various terror groups, including the Islamic Jihad, Popular Front...