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UNRWA mandate renewal needs some reasonable conditions added

It is a foregone conclusion that the UN General Assembly will vote today, Friday, December 13th, to renew the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) mandate, which will...

Towards the UNRWA mandate renewal: Involve the UNRWA Donor Nations

It is a foregone conclusion that the UN General Assembly will vote to renew the UNRWA mandate this Friday, December 13th,  which will once again confine descendants of Arab refugees from the 1948 war to...

To major UNRWA donor countries: What is being done with your money?

You, dear Arutz Sheva reader, can make a difference if you send this letter or a version of it, to the ten major donors to UNRWA. Information about those countries' representatives is below, following...

Dalal al-Mughrabi – A Murderous Terrorist as a Role Model In Palestinian Authority Schoolbooks...

(December 2019) Dalal al-Mughrabi was the commander of an 11-person group of Palestinian terrorists who landed in a boat on the beach of Maagan Michael natural reserve on Saturday afternoon, March 11, 1978. The group...

Concerne: Renouvellement du mandat de l’UNRWA cette semaine: Les donateurs peuvent réclamer des “conditions...

David Bedein Israel Resource News Agency at the Center for Near East Policy Research Beit Agron, Jerusalem https://israelbehindthenews.com/category/french Modèle de lettre à envoyer à chaque ambassadeur auprès de l'ONU par les principaux pays donateurs de l'UNRWA (Liste ci-dessous: liste...

Model letter to send to ambassadors from UNRWA donor nations

Model letter to send to ambassadors from UNRWA donor nations (List to follow: precise list of ambassadors) June 2020 Dear Ambassador… We are asking you, as a representative in the General Assembly of one of the ten donor...

The US Takes a Stand Against UNRWA

Cherith Norman Chalet Acting U.S. Deputy Rtiepresentative to the United Nations U.S. Mission to the United Nations New York, New York November 15, 2019 AS DELIVERED The United States continues to oppose the annual submission of more than a dozen...

Youtube censure la chaîne qui dénonce les méfaits de l’UNRWA

Note: les liens renvoient à des pages en anglais Début octobre, le géant des médias sociaux YouTube a fermé la chaîne liée au Center for Near East Policy Research, une organisation non gouvernementale fondée par...

It’s Time to Close Down UNRWA

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, was created in 1949 via UN Resolution 302 (IV) with a short-term mandate. It flouted its original mission and perpetuated rather than alleviated the Palestinians’...

Deny UNRWA’s Bid for Undeserved Mandate Renewal

The United Nations General Assembly mandate for the scandal-ridden United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) is coming up for renewal shortly. The renewal request should be...