palestinian education - search results

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Help UNRWA Schools Get Funding: Remove UNRWA War Education

UNRWA reports that its $1.2 billion budget, funded by 62 nations, cannot come up with the necessary $101 million to launch the new school year for 492,000 students who study in 699 UNRWA schools...

Israel and the Palestinian Refugee Issue

Since 1948, both the Palestine Arab refugee problem and the United Nations Works and Relief Agency for Palestine Arab Refugees (UNRWA) have been studied comprehensively. Almost since its inception, UNRWA, the international agency charged with...

Schools teaching ‘pro-Palestinian extremist agenda’

The National Union of Teachers is accused of 'spreading political propaganda' in classrooms to children as young as three An “extremist agenda” is being taught to children as young as three, it has been claimed,...

UK’s wasted aid to the Palestinians. Better in a cardboard box?

According to official recordings of proceedings from Parliament in London on July 1st 2015: DFID (overseas aid – MH) is providing £349 million in support of Palestinian development from 2011-15 and £72m for 2015/16. The...

UNRWA Gives Arab Countries Another Opportunity to Mistreat Their Palestinian ‘Guests’

The UN agency for Palestinian refugees announced Monday that it will cut 85 percent of its international staff on short term contracts in coming months in light of a $100 million deficit. UNRWA spokesman Chris...

The Palestinian Case Against BDS

Whereas the movement's spokespeople live in comfortable circumstances abroad, boycotts will result in increased economic hardships for actual Palestinians. Everyone appears to have an opinion on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. As I learned on a recent...

Palestinian School Textbooks Bias: Schoolbooks Omit Israel on Maps and Glorify Martyrdom

The material in Palestinian school textbooks offers a unique perspective on the Palestinian attitude towards Israel. In many ways, the textbooks mirror the political conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. For example, maps...

Palestinian human rights activist calls for Gazan spring

Speaking at the Shurat HaDin Towards a New Law of War Conference in Jerusalem, Palestinian human rights activism Bassem Eid speaks out against human rights abuses committed by the Hamas regime and Palestinian Authority,...

Iranian Support for Palestinian Terrorism: Funds Transferred to Gazan Shaheeds’ Families by Palestinian Islamic...

Left: Al-Ansar charity association announces time and place of the distribution of funds to terrorist shaheeds' families through the post office bank in the Gaza Strip (Facebook page of the Al-Ansar charity association, April...

Explosive: UN admits Palestinians fired rockets from UNRWA schools

The UN finally investigated the Palestinian storing of rockets in UNRWA schools and their use of the schools to launch rockets against Israel, all of which constitute grave violations of the Geneva Conventions and international...