palestinian education - search results

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A mural depicts Marwan Barghouti at the Israeli Qalandiya checkpoint, between Jerusalem and Ramallah on July 25, 2014 (AFP/File Jaafar Ashtiyeh)

Palestinian prisoner obtains MA degree in Israeli studies

JERUSALEM (Ma'an) -- On the 13th anniversary of his detention by Israeli forces, Palestinian prisoner Maslama Thabet has obtained his Master's degree in Israeli Studies from the al-Quds Open University in Abu Dis. The Thabet...
Palestinian anti-Israel activists dump out Israeli-made dairy products that they confiscated from local merchants in Ramallah, March 2. (Image source: Wattan TV video screenshot)

The Palestinians Want… Peace?

The latest PLO and Fatah campaign is not directed only against settlement products. Rather, it is targeting anything made in Israel, as a part of an "anti-normalization" movement, whose goal is to thwart any...

01/05 Links Pt2: Mohammad Zoabi Breaks His Silence; The Miseducation of Chris Gunness

From Ian: Mohammad Zoabi Breaks His Silence Mohammad Zoabi has posted his first message since being forced to leave Israel due to threats against his life for supporting Israel and the Jewish people. Hello everybody. First of all...

The Miseducation of Chris Gunness

Much has been said about the controversial work of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, aka UNRWA. Once established for providing a relief for Arab refugees...

How the State Department Annually Perpetuates Palestinian Misery

Originally published under the title "America's Palestine Refugee Policy Is Insane." This exercise in repetition occurred in the wake of a war that again exposed UNRWA's unsavory and illegal activities, from being "shocked" that its...

Legislators who Fund UNRWA Confronted with Reality of… UNRWA Education for War

11 December 2014   To: Ms. Imogen Atkinson Office of David Burrowes MP, Member of Parliament for Enfield Southgate From: David Bedein, Director, Israel Resource News Agency & Center for Near East Policy Research Thank you for your kind...
A man with an UNRWA flag in the southern Gaza Strip.. (photo credit:REUTERS)

Proud Palestinians must lead the fight to reform UNRWA

We Palestinians can no longer deny our responsibility for the destiny of our people. For 26 years I have been devoting my life to the mission of defending human rights. I have seen wars...

The Hidden Hand of ISIS and Its Impact on Palestinian Escalation

In recent months the State of Israel has been facing what military jargon terms “popular terrorist activity,” characterized by violent disturbances in the al-Aqsa Mosque compound; Arab neighborhoods in Jerusalem; the West Bank and...

[The question remains: Will UNRWA evaluate the effects of an educational curriculum based on...

Islamist Watch Launches 'Islamist Money in Politics' Philadelphia – October 1, 2014 – Prominent Islamists in the United States have donated almost $700,000 to federal candidates over the past 15 years, according to a...

Ignoring Real Syrian Refugees to Support Fake Palestinian Ones I realize it’s been a busy week, what with ISIS beheading journalists, Russia invading Ukraine, and deadliest of all (to quote the inimitable Sultan Knish), Israel threatening to build new houses. But it’s nevertheless...