unrwa hamas - search results

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Is Canada Knowingly Funding Extremism and Terrorism — Including Through UNRWA?

Canadian taxpayer money may be finding its way to Hamas, a known and documented terrorist group. The Criminal Code of Canada forbids funding terrorism, as well as the facilitation of those funding terrorism. But last...

Memo from the UN: Message of missiles fired from an UNRWA facility

On Wednesday, October 17th, The Center for Near East Policy Research provided a briefing at the UN Correspondents Association at the UN, followed by a confidential briefing for the officials of the UN Secretary...

UNCA Press Conference with Bassem Eid, Palestinian Human Rights Activist and experts on UNRWA...

Dear colleagues, UNCA will hold a press conference with Bassem Eid, Palestinian human rights activist and founder of the Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group, and other experts on Wednesday, October 17th at 1:30 pm in...

“UNRWA teaches children to blow themselves up”

In Jerusalem, Mayor Nir Barkat presented a plan to remove all UNRWA operations from the capital and begin providing full municipal services to the residents of Shuafat, where UNRWA operates schools and clinics without...

Will Belgium Place Reasonable Conditions on Renewed Funds for UNRWA?

The Brussels Times reports that Belgium has doubled its funds to help UNRWA meet its budgetary deficit http://www.brusselstimes.com/belgium/12665/belgium-doubls-its-contribution-to-the-un-for-palestinian-refugees The question is whether Belgium will transfer funds to UNRWA with six reasonable conditions that reflect the principles...

Lobbing softball questions to UNRWA- letter published in the Jerusalem Post. Sept. 26, 2018

Your interview with UNRWA director general Pierre Krähenbühl (“UNRWA HEAD tells ‘Post’: You can’t just wish away a people and then hope the problem goes away” (September 12), http://jpost.newspaperdirect.com/epaper/viewer.aspx ) was flawed by questions...

How UNRWA has perpetuated generations of refugees

A few weeks ago, the Trump Administration announced it would end all US funding for UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, established in December 1949 to support Palestinian refugees. In recent years,...

Response to Jpost interview with the head of UNRWA

David Bedein Director Israel Resource News Agency Center for Near East Policy Research The interview conducted of UNRWA Director General Pierre Krähenbühl by Tova Lazaroff in the Jerusalem Post of Sept. 12, entitled "UNRWA HEAD APPEALS TO ARAB...

UNRWA Funding Cutoff: What Next?

On August 31, the State Department indicated that the United States was ceasing all contributions to the UN Relief and Works Agency, the primary aid organization for Palestinian refugees. In addition to citing “the very...

Vart har allt mjöl tagit vägen: Den falska humanitära UNRWA-krisen

Under den senaste månaden meddelade medlemmarna i underutskottet i Mellanösterns parlament att humanitärt bistånd inte når den palestinska befolkningen, särskilt i Gaza. Centret för politik för näringspolitisk forskning, CFNEPR, kontaktade de 44 länder som donerar...