unrwa hamas - search results

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Group raises alarm over UNRWA’s anti-Israel incitement within its Jerusalem schools

Perhaps unbeknown to many Israelis is the shocking fact that only 12 minutes from downtown Jerusalem by light rail, a neighborhood exists within the city’s jurisdiction in which Arab children are being taught that...

Implications of an independent GAO study of PA/UNRWA education

One of our most extensive areas of journalistic research has involved investigations of Palestinian Authority /UNRWA education. We engaged Israeli and Arab journalists to film PA/UNRWA schools, acquire and translate all new PA/UNRWA school books, and investigate the terror involvement in...

UNRWA: An Issue of Neutrality and Accountability

"Oh I am sure that there are Hamas members on the UNRWA payroll and I don't see that as a crime." Said Peter Hansen, the former Commissioner-General of UNRWA in an interview with Canada...

Grupp varnar för anti-Israeliska uppvigling i Jerusalem UNRWA: s skolor

Palestinska demonstranter viftar sin nationella flagga framför ett tillverkat jätte flyktingkort under protester mot det amerikanska beslutet att minska FNs-bidrag till palestinierna i Västbankens stad Betlehem den 26 september 2018. Kanske är det inte bekant...

Group raises alarm over UNRWA’s anti-Israel incitement within its Jerusalem schools

Perhaps unbeknown to many Israelis is the shocking fact that only 12 minutes from downtown Jerusalem by light rail, a neighborhood exists within the city’s jurisdiction in which Arab children are being taught that...


Shuafat, one of the 59 Palestinian refugee camps ran by UNRWA, is the only refugee camp in Jerusalem and the only one under Israeli control. More than 30,000 Palestinians live in the camp. UNRWA, the...

Documenting BBC amplification of an UNRWA campaign

Among the topics (see ‘related articles’ below) that the BBC chose to promote during 2018 in a manner that went beyond ordinary reporting both in terms of the amount of content produced and adherence...

Arrest a terrorist who works for UNRWA

Amir al-Mishal, a leader of Hamas, is employed by UNRWA and leads the UNRWA teachers association. Amir a-Mishal incites UNRWA students to ruSh the fences and die for the "right of return" - by force...

Downplaying Why Canada Stopped Funding UNRWA in 2010

“POLITICIANS TRADE BARBS IN HOUSE OVER UNRWA FUNDING” (1) , downplays why the Canadian government stopped funding UNRWA in 2010. It was not because of the “agency’s widely reported ties to Hamas”, which “Canada...

Jerusalem Mayor Slashes UNRWA’s Responsibilities Saying “There Are No Refugees In Our City –...

‘You’re fired’: Jerusalem mayor slashes UNRWA’s responsibilities Mayor Nir Barkat ordered 15 Jerusalem city sanitation workers to enter the Arab neighborhood of Shuafat for the first time, where the municipal employees began to deliver cleaning...