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Vi har fått höra anklagelser av journalister i Ramallah att USA har hållit tillbaka medel som tilldelats UNRWA under de senaste två åren. Men på grund av UNRWA:s vägran att följa USA- UNRWA överenskommelsen...

Letter to the US House Foreign Affairs Committee and Middle East Subcommittee

David Bedein Director December 20, 2022 Letter to the US House Foreign Affairs Committee and Middle East Subcommittee,  two weeks before the Republicans assume the chair of both entities. I am writing this policy letter as a journalist...

Challenges to the new government of Israel ,to be sworn in during Chanukah, next...

David Bedein, Bureau Chief   December , 2022 Challenges to the new  government of Israel ,to  be sworn in during Chanukah,  a time which marks the  miracle of Jews who rose up against all odds.   The...

Palestinian Authority schoolbooks deny Holocaust, legitimize Munich massacre

Children in the Palestinian Authority and UNRWA  began their school year on Sept. 1, only instead of the promised education reforms, their schools continue to use the same books that have been heavily criticized...

Abbas in Deutschland: Wen wundert, wenn ein Antisemit Antisemitisches von sich gibt?

Schon seine Doktorarbeit, die Mahmud Abbas 1982 an einer Moskauer Universität verfasst hat, strotzt vor antisemitischen Verleumdungen und macht die zionistische Bewegung für den Holocaust verantwortlich. In unserem Wohnhochhaus ist 2005 Herr A. eingezogen. Herr...

Alerta Pikuach Nefesh: Un enfoque estratégico

El objetivo: Organizar a los ciudadanos de conciencia de todo el mundo para desafiar las políticas que representan una amenaza para la vida de los judíos en Israel. Opinión. El Rebe de Lubavich comentó cierta...

Así funciona la fachada humanitaria para terroristas islámicos que financia Biden

Hace pocas semanas el presidente de los EE. UU., Joe Biden, visitó Israel. En su paso, anunció la donación de 200 millones de dólares a UNRWA en una conferencia de prensa en Belén. Esto representa...

The Silence of the European Coalition for Israel

Attn: Press query of ECI, the European Coalition for Israel   The respected Globes business newspaper confirms in its July 22, 2022 weekend edition that the EU has transferred new funds to PA and UNRWA education, with no conditions.   That has...

Biden Administration Funds Anti-Israel Curricula, Hate Messages

US taxpayer money, thanks to the Biden administration, is now once again going directly to an international agency that promotes messages of hate against Israel and denies its right to exist. The claim...

Pikuach Nefesh Alert: A strategic approach

The Lubavitche Rebbe once commented that concessions to the Palestinian Authority, which works under the aegis of the Palestine Liberation Organization, represent a matter of Pikuach Nefesh- a threat to human life. The time has...