bedein unrwa - search results

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New Palestinian city welcomes first ‘Rawabians’

After years of delays and disputes with Israel over water provisions, the first Palestinian planned city opens its gates to the West Bank's middle class. Hanadi Abu Zahra turns on the tap in her kitchen...

Qalandiya refugee camp: A ‘chaotic base for terror’ *** Qalandiya refugee camp: A 'chaotic base for terror' The refugee camp on the outskirts of Jerusalem is a 'no man's land' in which terror and crime thrive and neither Israeli nor Palestinian security forces have...

A Voice Missing at  this week’s Global Forum on Anti-Semitism

  Archbishop Pietro Sambi, who served as the Vatican Ambassador and Papal Nuncio in Jerusalem  from 1998 until 2006, died four years ago. Had Archbishop Sambi, still been alive today, he would have been an honoree...

Blaming Bibi, Ignoring Abbas

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has come in for what the New York Times calls an “unusually forceful and public condemnation” by President Barack Obama for his pre-election statement on March 16 “that there...

Israeli group’s documentary accuses Hamas of training child soldiers

A new documentary that shows senior Hamas figures in Gaza unabashedly discussing the training of child soldiers and glorifying suicide bombers at military-style youth camps will be Exhibit A for an Israeli group at...
Funds intended for the Palestinian people can’t be used for terrorism. (Photo: Kevin Frayer / AP)

Keep U.S. dollars away from terrorists

Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky is pushing a bill that would immediately halt U.S. aid to the Palestinians until they stop their effort to join the International Criminal Court to pursue war-crimes charges...

How the Western World Funds Hamas’ Terrorism

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) was founded in 1950, with its stated goals of providing “education, health care, relief and social services, camp infrastructure and improvement, microfinance and emergency assistance” for...

Should US give taxpayer money to help rebuild Gaza? David Bedein and Christopher Gunness debate American funding of the UN agency UNRWA for Palestinian refugees.

Pro-Israel group says United Nations relief agency supporting Hamas

OTTAWA - The United Nations should investigate its relief work agency in the Palestinian territories, according to a pro-Israeli research group and a Conservative MP. David Bedein, head of the Jerusalem-based Centre for Near East...

Summer anti-Semitic Demonstrations The gate to an UNRWA facility in Gaza. Photo Credit: Wissam Nassar/FLASH90 During the summer of 2014, more than 100  synchronized  anti-Semitic demos occurred across the face of the earth.  As an MSW practitioner of community...