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UNRWA Index on www.IsraelBehindTheNews.com, 2003- 2018

1. Newest UNRWA School books presented for the first time… at the Swedish Parliament June 14, 2018 http://israelbehindthenews.com/newest-unrwa-school-books-presented-for-thefirst-time-at-the-swedish-parliament/17435/ 2. Will the World Finally Turn Off the UNRWA Spigot? June 6, 2018 http://israelbehindthenews.com/will-the-world-finally-turn-off-the-unrwaspigot/17396/ 3. UNRWA advocates the so called “Right of...

A call to end Swedish support to antisemitic education in UNRWA schools

UNRWA is a UN-agency created to support so called palestinian refugees. It is a strange agency due to the fact the it recognizes the right for palestinians to inherit refugee status. No other refugees...

Please help break the US gov’t “classification” of the GAO study on PA/UNRWA text...

In 2016, The​ "Center for Near East Policy Research" commissioned translations of all PA texts used in UNRWA schools and presented its findings to the US Senate Near East Subcommittee and to the US...

Palestinska Myndighetens skolböcker använda i UNRWA Palestinian Authoritys

 Presentation of the Palestinian Authority school books used in UNRWA What can be done to reform UNRWA: ​​Cancel the UNRWA​ war​ curriculum, based on Jihad, martyrdom and the “right of return by force of arms”,...



Will UN officials will be investigated for spreading misleading information about humanitarian situation of...

June 22, 2018 ATTN: ​ UN Secretary General António Guterres ​ Greetings from Jerusalem. UNRWA, which retains Marathon Strategies, a high power New York PR firm, selected the date of June 20, 2018, WORLD REFUGEE DAY, to publicize...

Israeler besökte riksdagen: “UNRWA lär barn att hata”

Seminariet i riksdagen leddes av Likud-partiets Sharren Haskel, en av de yngsta ledamöterna i det israeliska parlamentet, knesset. Hon hade inbjudits av Magnus Oscarsson (KD), medlem i riksdagens Svensk-Israeliska vänskapsförening. Som ordförande för knessets Lobby-grupp för reform...

Newest UNRWA School books presented for the first time… at the Swedish Parliament

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), fostered in 1948 to aid more than half a million Arabs refugees who left their homes in during Israel War of Independence, today serves more than...

How to defeat Hamas without firing a shot: Deprive Hamas of life support...

20,000 members of the Hamas terrorist organization who have been organizing and participating in continuing riots on the Gaza fences, are actually employees of UNRWA. That is because Hamas won consecutive elections and gained control...

UNRWA: Perpetuating the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Definition of Refugees “Persons whose normal place of residence was Palestine during the period 1 June 1946 to 15 May 1948, and who lost both home and means of livelihood as a result of the...