unrwa hamas - search results

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On the frontline

The Jewish People have been on the frontline throughout their long three thousand years history…writes Michael Kuttner. After seventy years of re-established independence, Israel, the Jewish homeland, still finds itself manning the battlements against those...

Summary of Recent Escalation Along the Gaza Strip Border

Since mid-September 2018 Hamas has raised the level of its anti-Israel violence. It increased the number of riots and propaganda demonstrations along the border and their accompany violence. Events peaked during the “return marches” on...

PM Netanyahu’s Speech to the UN General Assembly

(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Thursday, 27 September 2018), addressed the UN General Assembly: "Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen, When I spoke here, three years ago, Israel stood alone among...

What the AP Intelligence Correspondent Needs to Ask

David Bedein, Director. Susannah George, AP Intelligence and National Security Correspondent, this week published a feature “Trump administration cuts aid funding for Palestinian refugees”*, which overlooked two vital issues. First, that the US cutback to UNRWA...

Why Trump Was Right to End Funding for the UN Palestinian Aid Organization

Last week, the State Department announced that the Trump administration had concluded an internal review and decided to end all U.S. contributions to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near...

Trump Admin Slashes $200M in Palestinian Aid, May Drop ‘Right of Return’ from Negotiating...

The Trump administration's support of Israel got another potential boost with reports it's planning to remove the so-called "right of return" from the negotiating table, Israel's Channel 2 news reported over the weekend. According to...

Trump Administration Seeks to Withhold Millions in Aid to Palestinians

–David Bedein The White House is seeking to withhold up to $200 million in relief aid for Palestinian civilians in Gaza and the West Bank, severing a vital humanitarian lifeline at a time of...

Abbas, PA & UN – perfect partners

For far too long the United Nations and its associated organisations have given Abbas and his terrorist supporting authority a free pass to pursue the most outrageous acts…writes Michael Kuttner. The late unlamented chief terrorist,...

Text: Bill to Apply Standard Refugee Standards To Palestinians (no inherited status)

115TH CONGRESS 2D SESSION H. R. 6451 Initiated by Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) A BILL To establish the policy of the United States with respect to contributions to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in...

Sponsorer önskas för att hjälpa oss undersöka och presentera årets nya palestinska läroböcker.

Den här månaden (juli 2018) publicerar den palestinska myndigheten 30 nya skolböcker för att undervisa 11: e och 12: e klass elever i PA, Hamas, UNRWA och Jerusalems arabiska skolor. The Center for Near East...