unrwa hamas - search results

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Sponsors wanted to examine & present new Palestinian textbooks

This month (July 2018), the Palestinian Authority issues 30 new school books, to teach 11th and 12th grade students in the PA, Hamas, UNRWA and  Jerusalem Arab schools. The Center for Near East Policy Research...

“A Roadmap to Peace in the Middle East” by Dr. Michael A. Calvo

Extracts from the Book: The Middle East and World War III -Why No Peace? Foreword by Colonel Richard KEMP - CBE. For a description and to buy online: http://bit.ly/michael-calvo To fight what Pope Francis has called...

Palestinians’ Child Soldiers Are Their Most Dangerous Threat

[Next week, UNRWA has recruited 18,000 children for a ten days weapons training summer camp- David Bedein}. The following article by retired IDF Army general Amiram Levine , which appeared in HaAretz on June 26,...

Mikael Oscarsson (KD) utskälld av utrikesministern

Efter debatten i riksdagen var det en mycket besviken Mikael Oscarsson som pratade med Dagen. – Jag har haft förmånen att sitta i riksdagen i snart 20 år och jag har aldrig någonsin tidigare varit...

Bishop questions PA’s ‘pay to slay’ policy

AN Israeli authority on Palestinian textbooks has urged Foreign Minister Julie Bishop to follow her new stance on Palestinian “martyr” payments with a tough line on Palestinian Authority (PA) ­schoolbooks. Bishop wrote to PA Foreign...

Talking about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Understanding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not easy. It requires learning about various narratives, carefully engaging with Israel’s history, and thinking about the hard challenges faced by Jews, Palestinians, Bedouins, Christians, and Druze. Conversations about...

Summary of April 17 2018 Mtg with Advisor at US Mission to the UN

Dear... It was good to see you this week, following lectures that our agency, which focuses its energies on UNRWA (1), provided for the public concerning UNRWA policies (2). Many thanks for taking the time to meet. To review...

The real riot agenda

Quote of the day: “A riot is a spontaneous outburst. A war is subject to advance planning”…writes Michael Kuttner. This succinctly sums up the mayhem surrounding the staged, organised and choreographed drama on the Gaza/Israel...

‘Are You Ready for Children Coming at You with Guns?’ Israel Braces as UN...

A big showdown is brewing on Israel's border with the Gaza Strip. Weekend riots turned deadly, and now Israel's military may enter Gaza to stop Hamas terrorists from stoking more violence that some predict could...

Preparations for the “Great Return March” – Update

Overview Preparations continue in the Gaza Strip for a mass march to Israel’s border (the “great return march”). To that end the Palestinian organizations operating in the Gaza Strip have organized a “national committee” which...