incentive murder - search results

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You pay two Palestinian terrorists who left this British woman for dead and killed...

If you want to end the madness, you can sign the petition HERE  Kay Wilson was left for dead in an orgy of violence in Jerusalem in which Kristine Luken, an American, was killed by...

Revealed, how UK aid funds TERRORISTS: After yet more budget cuts, another £12bn of...

Mail On Sunday investigation shows that UK money has funded terrorists £72million was given to Palestine, which spent £8million on a new palace £5.9million was given to a US-based think-tank which has a £12million HQ You can...

The Palestinian Knife Campaign: A Policy of Limited Liability

Five months into the stabbing terror campaign, the Palestinian leadership keeps evaluating its costs and benefits to date and the prospects for its future. As described by Hirsh Goodman, the decision to embark on...
U.S. President Barack Obama talks with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani during a phone call in the Oval Office, September 2013. (Pete Souza / Courtesy Reuters)

What President Obama forgot to mention in his synagogue address

The president, in his message at the Adas Israel synagogue , pronounced platitudes - without policy follow up - when he stated that he hoped that he would see ”Israel and Palestine, living side...

Jerusalem: Delusions of Division – Introduction

About the Book1 This book, which deals with the future of Jerusalem, was first published seven years ago with the title The Dangers of Division. After a wave of extreme Palestinian violence that centered on...

How You can Influence Policy Guidelines for the New Coalition A good look...

By April 30, 2015, it is expected that a newIsraeli government will adopt new policyguidelines for the new governing coalition. Besides Iran, the new Israeli government must cope with following challenges of the Palestinian Arab reality. 1.     ​The...


​Between April 12 and April 30, 2015 a new Israeli government will adopt new policy guidelines for the new governing coalition. Besides Iran, the new Israeli government must cope with following challenges of the...

Killer Allocations:  Funds that Israel transfers to the Palestinian Authority

When you read this article, do not get an ulcer. Give an ulcer. If you live abroad, contact your local Israeli diplomat. If you live in Israel, make contact with members of the government,...

‘We need to recognize that Islamic State is positioned to make inroads elsewhere in...

General David Petraeus, former CIA chief, does not see much cause for optimism regarding a deal with Iran: 'We cannot allow them to be on the brink of having a nuclear weapon'; believes 'threat...

The Case Against the International Criminal Court Investigating Israel

In 2012, my friend and colleague, Luis Moreno Ocampo who was then the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court ruled correctly that "Palestine could not be recognized as a 'State'". He now appears...